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Arjunarishta for a Healthy Heart: Benefits, Dosage, and More about Parthadyarishtam

Writer's picture: Dr. G K Tara Jayasri MD(Ayu)Dr. G K Tara Jayasri MD(Ayu)

If you are concerned about your heart health ,then you need to consider this Ayurvedic elixir ‘Arjunarista’

Its named after the Epic hero ,the warrior of Mahabharatha , ‘Arjuna’  and  that’s why its also known as ‘Partha’dyaristam resembling his  another name ‘Partha’.It provides immense of health benefits .

Arjuna goes by the botanical name Terminalia arjuna belongs to the Combretaceae family. Also known as ‘Arjun tree’ in English, ‘Marudha maram’ in Tamil, ‘Neer maruthu’ in Malayalam, the tree widely grows in different parts in India .

With synonyms  as Dhavala, Nadisarja, Kakubha, Phalguna, Indradru, Partha, Dhoortha, Veerantaka, Veeravruksha in Sanskrit, plant Arjuna is used in  many ayurvedic formulations

With a bunch  of active chemical constituents like arjunic acid, arjunollic acid, arjunetin, arjunones, and other glycosides and tannins, this plant ,apart from promoting heart health, also  holds high significance in treating Kshayahara (i.e. chronic respiratory disorders), Uccha raktha chapa (Hypertension ), Kshata (i.e. wounds), and Medohara (i.e. removes fats).


Arjunarishta is an ayurvedic herbal concoction, such as Baidyanath Arjunarishta, renders at maintaining a healthy heart and keeping optimum blood pressure levels along with many other natural herbs.

Arjunarishta mainly acts on heart and blood vessels having following healing properties like Anti-ischemic,Strong Antioxidant,Hypolipidemic,Antiatherogenic,Cardioprotective and Antianginal (stable angina pectoris)

Arjunarishta is helpful in following heart conditions like Cardiac Arrhythmia,High& Low Blood Pressure,Myocardial Infarction,Stable Angina Pectoris,Ischemic Cardiomyopathy,Congestive Heart Failure and Mitral Regurgitation

Sarangadhara and Charaka strongly suggest this magical cardiac tonic due to its  unmatchable properties like Deepana (enhances stomach fire), Pachana (helps indigestion), Rochana (stimulates appetite), Anulomana (improves breathing), Mutrakrichra (i.e. dysuria), Anaha (i.e. bloating), Mutraghata (i.e. urinary obstruction), Kusthohara (treats skin disease), Shothahara (reduces inflammation).

Acharya Vagbhta,in  Ashtanga Hridaya, has mentioned  Arjuna as a potent remedy for treating wounds, improving cardiac functioning and preventing haemorrhages and ulcers. 

Effect On Doshas:

Arjuna showcases Kashaya (astringent) and Madhura (sweet) Rasa. Abundant  with Laghu (light) and Rukshna (dry) gunas in accordance with Ayurveda principles. It has Shita Virya (cold potency) and Katu Vipaka (pungent metabolic property). The herbal ingredients in the powerful tonic aggravate the Vata (air) doshas and balance the Pitta (fire and air) and Kapha (earth and water) doshas. 

Ingredients of Arjunarista

·      Arjuna tvak – Terminalia arjuna bark – 5 kg

·      Dhataki pushpa – Woodfordia fruticosa flowers – 1 kg

·      Madhuka pushpa – Madhuca indica flowers – 1 kg

·      Mridvika or dry grapes – Vitis vinifera – 2.5 kg

·      Guda or jaggery – 5 kg

·      Water for decotion

Method Of Preparation Of Arjunarishta:

·      The main ingredient Arjuna bark  is washed and sun-dried,powdered and sieved to remove the solid impurities

·      The other herbs (Madhuka, Dhataki and Draksha) which are used shall also be washed thoroughly and sun dried.


·      The powdered Arjuna bark is then immersed in a specific quantity of water and allowed to soak overnight.

·      The soaked product is then boiled until the quantity is reduced to less than half. Filter it through muslin cloth to remove the impurities

·      Add jaggery to the clear decoction, stir it properly and filter to remove solid particles.

·      Add all the herbs and seal the container tightly, resembling the process of making Arjunarishta.

·      Keep it aside in the fermentation room and allow it to ferment, similar to how traditional Ayurvedic preparations like Arjunarishta syrup are made.

·      Keep a check on the fermentation process.

·      Once the fermentation is done, filter the fermented liquid through a muslin cloth to eliminate solid particles and impurities.

·      The concoction is then poured in air-tight containers, stored in a cool, dry place and kept for maturation.

·      Therapeutic Benefits of the Ingredients:Arjuna:

Arjuna  bark   is  proved to be extremely beneficial in  strengthening  the nerves and boosting  the heart’s functioning , preventing  the deposition of plaque in the blood vessels and also averting the formation of atherosclerosis (i.e. hardening of the arteries), and hence reduces the risk of heart attacks, heart blocks, blood clots, mitral regurgitation, ischemic cardiomyopathy etc.

Presence of chemical  compounds such as arjunic acid, arjunolic acid, arjunetin, arjunones, glycosides and tannins promote heart health and also prevent respiratory disorders.

It also plays a key role in lowering the levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the body.

·      Dhataki:

Named as Woodfordia fruticosa,this plant has various  immune-modulatory action which  helps it to boost the immune system .It is used for healing skin infections and wounds. It plays a  main  role in treating piles, diarrhoea, dysentery, leucorrhoea, headache, and diabetes. The flowers and roots of this herb are used for treating rheumatism, foot and mouth diseases and  certain fractures.


·      Madhuka:

Named as Madhuca indica,The floral extracts from the tree soothe skin inflammatory conditions and provide relief from itching and burning sensation from burns, scalds, and eczema. It is also useful in removing the  phlegm from the bronchial tubes and thus prevents respiratory diseases.

·      Mridvika or Dry grapes:

Being a good source of fiber, vitamins and minerals, grapes are useful for the treatment of heart ailments, eye problems and cancer and its potential management through Ayurveda practices.. They are also known to help relieve constipation, which can be addressed through Ayurveda., hypertension, diabetes, anaemia, fever, acidosis, weight gain etc.  It  also  helps in treating heart blockage and even relieving some symptoms of cancer.

·      Guda or Jaggery:

Intiating the fermentation process,jiggery gives sweet tase to the liquid.Along side it helps to boost the immuntity and aids digestion ,relieves anemia and joint pains How does arjunarista help to tackle cardiac ailments ?

·      Cardiac Arrhythmia:

The tonic is highly effective for both Bradycardia(slowing of heartbeat) and Tachycardia(faster pace of heartbeat)

Arjuna bark , a boon for heart ailments, it has been observed to prevent the deposition of plaque in the blood vessels and formation of atherosclerosis.

The hypotensive and inotropic effects of the bark extract of the arjuna plant increases coronary arterial flow.


·      Arjunarishta to rule out  Respiratory Anomalies:

Arjunarishta is an effective ayurvedic remedy for all sorts of Kapha aggravating disorders. It can handle various  respiratory disorders like asthma, bronchitisCOPD, cough and cold symptoms. Regular intake of this tonic strengthens the lung tissues and improves lung health.

·      Arjunarishta For Male Fertility:

Spermatogenic property of Arjunarista helps in  treating oligospermia (i.e. low sperm count), asthenozoospermia (i.e. sperm motility), and enhances spermatogenesis (i.e. sperm production). The tonic, being a natural antioxidant improves the production of male hormones like testosterone and luteinizing hormone and treats conditions like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. It also boosts male stamina and libido.

·      Arjunarishta to sort out  Urinary Disorders

This  formulation is a potent remedy for treating urinary disorders like urinary incontinence, painful  and burning urination.Being a mild diuretic, it also treats dysuria. The host of anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties prevents urinary infections. It also promotes the healthy functioning of the kidneys by aiding in the excretion of excess uric acid thereby preventing or treating gout. The anti-lithiasis property of this decoction prevents the formation of kidney stones, and prevents various underlying health conditions like polycystic kidney disease, kidney stones, and cystitis.


·      May aid aerobic exercise performance. 

Arjunarista is proved to  improve aerobic exercise endurance

Helps in treating diarrhea


·      Arjuna might be beneficial in managing diarrhea.

Certain constituents present in Arjuna has antimicrobial and astringent properties. It also has an antibacterial property that controls the intestinal infection caused by microorganisms.

Therapeutic Dosage:

Children above 5 years of age – 10 ml (2 tablespoons)

  • Adults – 20 ml (4 tablespoons)

  • Seniors – 20 ml (4 tablespoons) once or twice a day, preferably after having a meal.

Adverse Effects Of Arjunarishta:

·      The herbal concoction is an absolute remedy for a list  of ailments.

·      It is strictly advised for pregnant women and lactating mothers to consult an ayurvedic doctor before taking it as it may interact with other ongoing medicines and affect the fetus or may get secreted along with milk.

·      Overdosage without doctor’s consultation can also cause abdominal pain, indigestion, vomiting, high blood pressure, low blood sugar, acidity, burning sensation, headache, dizziness and drowsiness.

·      People with diabetes should consult a doctor before consuming Arjunarishta because it contains a high amount of jaggery in the tonic.


Does Arjuna thin blood?

Yes it does

Is Arjuna good for the liver?

Yes it is hepato protective herb

Is Arjuna good for blood circulation?

Yes it does dilation of blood vessesl and  dissolves the plaque formation

Can Arjuna remove blockage?

Yes it can help in removing blackages

Can I take Arjuna daily?

The best part is bark of arjuna but in recommended doses and under medical supervision  

What is the difference between Arjuna and Arjunarishta?

Arjunarista is a compound formulation whicg has herb arjuna as a main component

What are the side effects of Arjuna for liver?

Its hepato protective and helps in improving the functions of liver

Who should not take Arjuna?

Nursing mothers and pregnant ladies and those who have bleeding disorders are not supposed to take arjuna

What are benefits of Arjuna?

It mainly helps in redcing the risk of heart diseases

What are the side effects of Arjuna juice?

High dose can cause you nausea and dizziness

Can Arjunarishta Cause Acidity?

Yes it does when its taken by patient with poittha predominance

Can Arjunarishta Reduce Cholesterol?

Yes it helps to get rid of bad cholesterol

Can Arjunarishta be taken for long periods of time?

Yes it can but under recommended dose

Can Arjunarishta cure heart diseases?

Arujunarishta nourishes and strengthens the muscles of the heart. It promotes heart functioning by regulating blood cholesterol and blood pressure

Can I take Arjunarishta if I don’t have any health problems?

As per your suggestion of medical practitioner

Do You Need To Follow A Particular Diet While Taking Arjunarishta?

You may have to stick to a fat free diet

Does Arjunarishta Include Alcohol?

Yes it does ,self generated during the process of fermentation

How To Administer Arjunarishta For The Different Blood Pressure Conditions?

It maintains the systolic blood pressure because of the cardio-tonic property.In severe hypertension, Sarpagandha Powder should be used in following combination along with Arjunarishta.

If the blood pressure has been in a reduced stage for a longer time it can show positive results with one dosage.

In low bp it can be taken along with aswagandha choornam

Follow the instructions of your medical practitioners for better results

Is Arjunarishta beneficial for blockages?

Sincce it can improve agni and digests ama ,and by properties like Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) it helps to  remove accumulated bad cholesterol and maintain normal blood cholesterol levels.




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