Improve your memory with this revered brain tonic SARASWATHARISTAM
Do you have difficulty in remembering minor things that happens in your daily routine ? Or recollecting the name of your friends ,colleagues
Well its not very strange .As we age , several changes occur in the functions of brain too like neuronal loss, change in neurotransmitter etc.While these are natural changes that occurs in our old age ,these can affect even our cognitive functions and behaviours like slowing down of our daily activities ,challenges with our in memory and speech etc .The functions of brain starts diminishing as we get older .
So its extremely important to incorporate some memory boosters to prevent the further neuronal damage or degeneration .
Here comes our age old traditional ayurveda a super brain tonic loaded with ennnumber of memory booster herbs in the form of Saraswatharista.
Saraswatharista is packed with herbs included under Medhya rasayana which are considered as group of medicinal plants specifically used to improve the cognitive functions and all herbs all targeted towards the treatment of central nervous system disorders like acute anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, partial loss of memory, low grasping power, slurred speech, depression, loss of desire to eat, restlessness, vertigo, ADHD, heart diseases, and other neurodegenerative disorders. This herbo-mineral, hydro-alcoholic preparation is also used to improve sperm quality and motility, remedy menstrual problems, boost immunity and manage sleep-related disorders.
Additionally, the Vata balancing properties also helps deal with neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease (brain condition affecting movements), Alzheimer’s disease (brain disorder impacting the remembrance and reasoning skills), dementia (affects memory and thinking), and seizures or epilepsy (tremors).
Along with that, excess build-up of Ama (toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion) is digested by Saraswatarishta due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestion) properties. This Ama is considered the root cause of indigestion and other related problems. It also helps to manage constipation by balancing Vata and Pitta doshas. It provides aid in removing waste products from the large intestine due to its Rechana (laxative) property.
As the name says one who uses it for certain period of time will become intellect as blessed by Goddess Saraswathi.
What is saraswatharistam made of ?
Kwath Dravya (Herbal decoction )
1 kg Brahmi -Bacopa Monnieri     Â
250 gms each of:
Shatavari – Asparagus Racemosa
Vidarikanda – Pueraria Tuberosa        Â
Haritaki – Terminalia Chebula     Â
Ushira –VetiveriaZizanioides    Â
Sunthi (Ginger) – Zingiber Officinale      Â
Saunf (Fennel) – Foeniculum Vulgare
12.8 lts Water for Decoction       Â
Prakshepa Dravya:
500 gms Madhu (Honey) or Old Jaggery       Â
1 kg Sarkara or Sugar
259 gms Dhataki – WoodfordiaFruticosa     Â
12.5 grams each of:
NirgundiSeeds – Vitex Negundo    Â
Pippali (Long Pepper) – Piper Longum Â
Trivrit – OperculinaTurpethum   Â
Lavanga –Syzygium AromaticumÂ
Vacha – Acorus Calamus     Â
Kushta – Saussurea Lappa  Â
Ashwagandha – WithaniaSomnifera   Â
Bibhitaki – Terminalia Bellerica   Â
Guduchi –Tinospora Cordifolia Â
Elaichi (Cardamom) – Elettaria Cardamomum        Â
Vaividanga – Embelia Ribes  Â
Dalchini (Cinnamon) – Cinnamomum Zeylanicum Â
Gold Leaf Â
Dry and powder the herbs under kwathadravya
Add these herbs under water and boil
Prepare a decoction by boiling the water until it reduces to ¼ of its volume
Cool the decoction and filter
Add the herbs under prakshepadravya one by one into the decoction
Now pour the decoction into an earthen vessel or gold vessel
Add the gold leaf on top of it
Close the mouth of the vessel with mud smeared cloth
Allow it to ferment for about a month without any disturbance
After completion of the fermentation process, check whether the gold leaf has disintegrated or else again ferment it for sometime
Once done, filter and pour the arishta liquid into a ghee-smeared earthen vessel for future use
Reference:Â Bhaishajya Ratnavali, Chapter 73, rasayanaprakarana 182-196Â
The usual recommended dosage for adults is 15-25 ml.
In the market, two types of formulations available:
1.   Saraswatarishta (with gold)
2.   Saraswatarishta (without gold)
This formulation is prepared in gold vessel or in earthen vessel in which gold string is added. This formulation is called Saraswatharishtam with Gold . The real classical formulation suggests using gold during preparation for maximum health benefits, but nowadays, due to commercial value of gold certain pharmacies have started preparing it without using gold Both types are available in the market.
Saraswatarishta(without Gold)
Saraswatarishta is also available without gold, which is likely to be less effective than gold preparation.The dosage also differs for each preparation due to gold content.
Saraswatarishta (with gold) dosage
Doses:Â Twice a day with the equal amount of water |
Best Time to Take:Â After Food |
Saraswatarishta (without gold) dosage
Children – 5 ml to 15 ml
Adult – 15 -30 ml
Doses:Â Twice a day with the equal amount of water |
When to Take:Preferably after meals
For students to improve the mental ability and to kick start the day ,its preferred after breakfast
Also when consumed after dinner can help to foster restful sleep and can calm the mind
·      Mode of action of each herbs
·      which help to reduce oxidative stress, by scavenging free radicals
·      which are used to relieve depression symptoms and improve the functioning of the CNS.
Twak /cinnamom
·      reduce oxidative stress and revert oxidative damage in the body cells.
·      A substance that can inhibit the oxidising effect of free radicals in living cells.
·      Agents which are used to relieve depression symptoms.
·      that help in inducing sleep by having an affect on brain function.
·      Agents or medicine that acts on the immune system to modulate immunity.
·      which help to reduce oxidative stress, by scavenging free radicals
·      that are used for their actions on the nervous system and are used to calm down excited nerves
·      Class of drugs which are helpful in the management of insomnia due to their calming and soothing effects on the body causing the induction of sleep.
·      Its neuroprotective properties attributes to its antioxidant and cognitive enhancing
·      that reduce oxidative stress and revert oxidative damage in the body cells
·      Acts as antioxidant and use due to neuroprotective properties
·      Contributes to neurogenerative diseases due to its antioxidant properties which helps to protect cells from oxidative stress
·      Promotes the circulation which can support adequate flow of blood to brain supporting neuro health
·      Exhibits antioxidant activity
·      It s neuroprotective effects attributes to its antioxidant and neuroprotective properties
Ayurvedic Indications
Ayurveda mentions the use of this formulation in several health conditions including:
·        Medhya (memory booster)
·        Rasayana (rejuvenates the body)
·        Deepana/pachana (enhances stomach fire and helps in digestion )
·        Rochana (stimulates appetite)
·        Amahara (treats indigestion)
·        Vamana (Vomiting)
·        Kusthahara (treats skin disease)
·        Shothahara (reduces inflammation)
·        Hridaya (treats heart problems)
·        Shwasha (treats respiratory woes)
·        Chakhushya (treats eye problems)
In other words it helps for /as
Memory enhancing
Intellect promoting
Anti-Dopaminergic Effects(due to Bacopa, so it is useful in drug dependence
Classical Benefits of saraswatharista
1.    Anxiety
Anxiety in ayurveda is particularly due to vitiated vata and rajas characters.i.It manifests due to excess grief,worry and nervousness .When it starts to affect your day to day ativities ,it manifests as anxiety disorder .Owing to the powerful anti-stress, anti-depressive and anti-anxiety characteristics of the herbs in use, Saraswatarishta is extremely effective for dealing with different types of psychotic issues like depression, anxiety, dementia, uneasiness, etc. It equalizes the brain chemicals i.e., neurotransmitters and promotes the secretion of dopamine which in turn keeps the level of serotonin under control.  Brahmi , its main ingredient, is found decreasing anxiety and depression with significant effect. Alkaloids of Brahmi have shown potent anti-depressant and anti-anxiety effects. It calms the mind and releases negative energies from the mind. It is helpful in all following depression symptoms like Agitation, Feeling of emptiness,lonliness ,sadness ,frustration ,hopelessness,irritation ,unexplained tiredness ,suicidal thoughts etc
2. Impaired memoryAccording to Ayurveda, poor memory is caused due to inactivity of Kapha or aggravation of Vata dosha. Saraswatharishtam is believed to have neuroprotective properties and is traditionally used to support mental clarity, concentration, and nervous system functioning. Saraswatharishtam is often recommended for students, individuals experiencing memory issues, or those seeking to enhance their cognitive abilities. The array of dominant antioxidants and flavonoids present in the formulation improves the memory capacity, concentration, composure, and watchfulness of an individual
The neuroprotective components of the active ingredient Brahmi prevent age-related loss of memory and other neural problems like Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, dementia etc.
3. Indigestion: Agnimandya occurs due to an imbalance of Pitta dosha resulting in formation of ama .Sarswatarishta helps to manage indigestion by digesting the Ama due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestion) properties. Saraswatarishta enables the breakdown of food particles in the stomach and intestine while stimulating the secretion of the digestive juices and thereby boosting the absorption of essential nutrients through the intestines.It also helps to expel waste products from the large intestine due to its Rechana (laxative) property.
4.Strengthens Heart Functions and prevents Cardiac Arrhythmia
Saraswatarishta plays a crucial role in treating various heart anomalies due to its strong antioxidative essence. It strengthens the heart muscles and prevents the accumulation of fats and lipids in the blood vessels. It is also beneficial in reducing the levels of cholesterol in the blood which in turn helps in preventing atherosclerosis.Along with Yakuti Rasayan, or Jawahar Mohra or other cardioprotective preparation, Saraswatarishta gold provides stability in heart rate and prevents tachycardia and bradycardia.
5.Relieves Insomnia
It is beneficial for people with sleep disturbance of sleeplessness. Brahmi in Saraswatarishta improves sleep quality and increase duration of night time sleep
6.Relieves Menopausal Syndrome
Menopause is a inevitable phase of every women cycle .It mainly includes symptoms like application, loss of libido, night sweat, irritability, mood swings, loss of sleep,  depression, memory lapse, panic disorder, irregular heartbeat etc. The presence of Brahmi in Saraswatarishta has anxiolytic (anti-anxiety), and tranquilising properties that primarily assist in the management of psychological troubles during menopause
It is not only beneficial during menopause, but it is also very helpful in perimenopause (before menopause) and after menopause (post-menopause). It also reduces symptoms like mood swings ,night sweats ,dizziness ,anxiety,hot flushes etc
7.Acts as Rasayana (Rejuvenation)
Saraswatarishta is also taken as Rasayana(Immuno modulator) .It can be consumed without any restriction throughout the life for improving general well-being and increasing qualitative life span
8.Improves voice complexion
Singers can use it for improving voice quality and preventing any damage to vocal cord due to overuse.
9.Stuttering (Stammering Disorder)
It is highly beneficial for people with stuttering (Stammering Disorder or Childhood-Onset Fluency Disorder).
Hypogonadism refers to a clinical condition where the body doesn’t produce sufficient levels of sex hormones like testosterone in men and oestrogen in women .Saraswatarishta along with Makardhwaj (or Siddha Makardhwaj) and Vanga (Bang) Bhasma is beneficial in both cases of male and female hypogonadism. It is likely to increased diminished hormone biosynthesis from the ovaries and testes in female and male respectively.
Precautions while using saraswatharistam
Lactation and pregnancy
Nursing mothers should take it under supervision of ayurvedic doctor in optimum adult dosage safely without any side effect on breast-fed babies and the same applies to pregnant ladies too .
Patients with diabetes
Diabetic patients should consult their doctor before using Saraswatarishta because it has sugar which can change the sugar levels in the body.
How do you take Saraswatarishta with water?
You can add equal amount of water along with aristam and can be taken after food.
Does Saraswatarishta increase sperm count?
With some of the ingredients used for improving vitality ,it does increase the sperm count and sexual debility.
Does Saraswatarishta cause sleepiness?
Yes .Its better choice of medicine for insomnia, Consult an Ayurvedic doctor before taking any ayurvedic medicine further this will help you solve the issue for once and all.
How much alcohol is in Saraswatarishta?
Yes, it has 5 to 10 percent of self produced alcohol.
Can Diabetics and pregnant women consume Saraswatharishtam?
Its better not to because it can spike the sugar levels in diabetic and pregnant ladies can take it only after an advise of an ayurvedic practitioner.
Can saraswatarishta be given to older people?
Yes .It helps to improve vata imbalance in them .It can help to alleviate alzeimers ,parkinsons and improve their diminishing memory
Can saraswatarishta be taken during pregnancy?
Under a proper supervision of a ayurvedic practitioner only
Does saraswatarishta have any interaction with any medicine?
There is no sufficient datas on this regard
Is it advisible to give Saraswatharishta for kids below 5 years of age ?Â
Yes they can, but in appropriate doses
Is saraswatarishta good for digestion?
Yes, it helps in digestion and metabolism
Is saraswatarishta good for the heart?
Yes it does .It  acts as a cardiac tonic too
What is the benefit of the Gold in some Ayurvedic medicines?
As per Ayuvreda, gold is considered to boost immunity and helps to reduce risk various chronic illness .It helps to calm the mind and relieve the stress too.
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