Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu
Also known as Nimbadi ghritham or gulguluthikthakam ghritham , Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu is an ayurvedic medicine mainly used for diseases of bone, joints, muscles and skin. Panchatikta Guggulu Ghrita (PTG Ghrita) is one of the popular widely used preparations in Ayurvedic system of medicine. While reviewing ancient texts variations are found regarding preparatory procedures, ingredients used, and there are many indications mentioned for Panchatikta Guggulu Ghrita in different treatment aspect like Asthi-Majjagata vata Vikaras (Diseases of Bone and Bonemarrow), dermatological disorders & neurological disorders.
It is also used in the treatment of tumour, fistula-in-Ano, abdominal distension, piles, polyuria, tuberculosis, tastelessness, asthma, cervical lymphadenitis & lymphadenopathy, etc.
1. Nimbatwak (Nimba)
2. Amrita (Guduchi)
3.Vrisa (Vasa)
4. Patola
5. Nidigdhika (Kantakari)
6. Water for decoction 12.288lt
7. Ghrita (Go ghrita) (Ghee)
8. Kalka dravyas of
· Patha
· Vidanga
· Suradaru (Devadaru)
· Gajopakulya (Gajapippali)
· Yavakshara (Yava),
· Sarjikshara (svarjiksara),
· Nagara (Shunti)
· Nisha (Haridra)
· Mishi (Mishreya
· Chavya
· Kushta
· Tejovati
· Maricha
· Vatsaka (kutaja)
· Dipyaka (yavani)
· Agni (chitraka)
· Rohini (katuka)
· Aruskara (ballataka)- shudda
· Vacha,
· Kanamula (pippali)
· Yukta (rasna)
· Manjishta
· Ativisa
· Visani (Ativishabheda)
· Yavani
· each drug 12gm should be taken and all drugs are grinded well together and bolus is prepared.
Guggulu- shudda (Purified ) 240g The above drugs from 1 to 5 are taken in water in prescribed quantity, boiled and reduced to1/8th, i.e. 1.536 lt and then filtered. To this 5 pala (240gm) of Shuddha Guggulu and one Prastha Ghrita (768gms) and Kalka dravyas each one Karsha (10gm) are added and heated over mandagni (low flame) till Sneha siddha lakshanas are achieved. Guggulu should be suspended into the Kvatha (decoction) while boiling by the process of Dola yantra.
Reference – bhaisajyaratnavali-kustadhikara ,Ashtanga hridayam -vata vyadhi
Ayurvedic rasapanchaka of Panchatikta Guggulu Ghrita
• Rasa:-Tikta, Kashaya, Madhura
• Guna:-Laghu, Ruksha, Snigdha, Ushna, Sookshma, Teekshna, Sara
• Veerya:-Ushna(Though Ghrita is having Sheetaveerya, it is having Agnivardhaka property)
• Vipaka:-Katu (Madhura vipaka of ghrita)
• Doshaghnata:-Tridoshahara Classical Indications of PTG Ghrita Sandhigatavata, Asthigatavata, Majjagatavata, Nadivrana, Kushta, Arbuda, Bhagandara, Gandamala, Gudaroga, Meha, Yaksma, Aruchi, Shwasa, Pinasa, Kasa, Shopha, Hridroga, Pandu, Mada, Vidradhi, Vatarakta and Urdhvajatrugata Roga.
Pharmacological action of individual ingredients
· Nimb (Azadirecta indica) -has chemical composition of Nimbin, Nimbidin possesses significant dose dependant antiinflammatory activity & significant anti ulcer effect .
· Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) -having Berberin & tinosporin mainly acts as anti-oxidant & immune-potentiating thus cell layers during disease pathology are improved by this drug.
· Vasa (Adhatoda vasica) -the Vascicinone has anti-histaminic property as well as it is anti-oxidant & anti - inflammatory .
· Patol (Trichosanthas dioica) has anti-oxidant
· Nidigdhika (Solanum xanthocarpum) has anti-histaminic property.
· Guggul (Commiphera mukul) -has excellent property to act on vikrut kleda (abnormal body wastes) & meda (fat) , mamsa dhatu (flesh) as it has Katu, Tikta , Kashay, Madhur rasa, Ushna veerya & katu Vipak . Guggul stimulates body activity to build up immune system.
· Ghrita -has lipophilic action so helps in ion transportation to a target organ. This lipophilic nature of Ghrita facilitates entry of drug in to cell & it’s delivery to mitochondria, micro some & nuclear membrane. Also it helps in restoring the normal texture to skin .
Pharmacological actions
· Antitoxin
· Antipruritic
· Demulcent
· Depurative (purifies blood)
· Neuroprotective
· Anti-rheumatic or Anti-arthritic
· Anti-inflammatory
· Analgesic
· Adaptogen
· Antitumor
· Anticancer
· Anti-mutagenic
· Antiproliferative
· Antitussive
· Antiulcerogenic (effects appear in skin diseases)
· Cardioprotective
· Carminative
· Haematinic (increases hemoglobin levels)
Therapeutically indicated in clinical conditions like
· Osteoarthritis
· Diseases of Bone Marrow
· Fistula
· Anorectal diseases
· Fistula-in-Ano
· Skin diseases – Dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis etc.
· Abscesses
· Skin Ulcers
· Cervical lymphadenitis & lymphadenopathy
· Tumors or abnormal growths
· Polyuria
· Tastelessness
· Tuberculosis
· Asthma
· Cough
· Sinusitis
· Edema
· Cardiac Weakness
· Anemia
· Intoxication
· Gout
Health benefits
Osteoporosis is a disorder where bones become fragile and brittle. In case of Asthi Kshaya, or in case of Sandhivata, Matrabasti with Panchatikta Guggulu Ghrita is advocated or PTG Ghrita can be used as Snehana Dravya in Ksheera basti.
Osteopenia is a condition in which the protein and mineral content of our bones is decreased. Panchatikta ghrita might be used as preventive therapy in osteopenia.
Cervical spondylosis
Cervical spondylosis is the gradual degeneration of bones and disks in the neck. Panchatikta ghrita may be potentially used in cervical spondylosis.
Kushta is Tridoshajanya vikara, Udbhava sthana (origin) of Kushta is Amashaya. So, PTG Ghrita can be used as Shodhananga Sneha as well as Shamananga Sneha.
Acne vulgaris
Acne vulgaris is a skin condition that often results in the formation of pimples on the skin along with inflammation. It may be potentially beneficial in the management of acne vulgaris.
Psoriasis is a skin disorder characterised by itchy and scaly patches commonly found on knees, elbows, trunk and scalp. PTG Ghritham is effective in managing psoriasis.
Atopic eczema
Atopic eczema is characterized by dry, itchy, and cracked skin. The use of panchatikta ghrita may assist in treating atopic eczema and improving knowledge of various skin conditions.
Stomach worms
Stomach worms or parasitic worms are one of the most common types of parasites in humans. panchatikta ghrita might be useful for detox of stomach worms.
Pandu (Anaemia )
It’s clear that the Ghritas are indicated for disorders of mind/brain. Brain tissue is mastulunga majja i.e. Majja Dhatu. One of the conditions like Aplastic anemia, where bone marrow (Majja dhatu) is affected. PTG Ghrita can be indicated in Pandu roga where majja dhatu is involved; so, as Poorva karma for the purpose of snehana, PTG Ghrita can be used.
in the management of Majjagatha Vidradhi Tiktadravya siddha Ghrita has to be given for pana (drink). Pancha Tiktaka Ghrita mentioned in Kushta treatment is given internally with honey and in all stages of Vidradhi.
There are two types based on Adhistana (Seat). 1). Utthana (Twacha-Mamsashrita) and 2).Gambhira (Sandhi-Asti-Majjashrita). In Vatarakta, Doshas or Malas are removed by Sa ghrita Ksheera basti and there is no better treatment other than Basti in the management of Vatarakta. So here in the Saghrita Ksheerabasti, PTG Ghritha is used as a Sneha dravya in Basti because PTG Ghrita is mainly indicated in Asti-Majja dhatu ashrita vyadhis.
In all type of Arshas, Agnideepaka, Ghritas or Lehya/Asavas, Vatanulomaka Dravyas are to be given. Also, Pathya (wholesome food) in all Arshas mentioned is Nimba and Patola yusha (Gruel) which are predominant in Tikta rasa. So, by above all considerations, PTG Ghrita can be employed in treatment of Arshas.
Gulma (Abdominal distention )
all stages of treatment i.e. in beginning, middle and at the end of treatment of gulma ,Vata Dosha should be protected. So, by all these consideration from the classics, PTG Ghrita can be used in case of Gulma.
Prameha (Diabetes )
Prameha is Sankledajanya Tridoshaja Vyadhi, and its Dooshyas are Meda, Mamsa, Ambu, Shukra, Rakta, Vasa, Majja, Lasika, Rasa and Oja . PTG Ghrita will be effective, but clear indication should be assessed.. In case of uncontrolled diabetes or in case of diabetic complications like diabetic foot/ ulcers, before giving Samshodhana chikitsa, Snehapanartha PTG Ghrita is taken.
Available forms
· Gulgulu thithakam ghritham
· Gul;gulu thikthakam kashayam
· Gul;gulu thikthakam kashayam tablets
· Capsules Gulgulu thithakam ghritham
Dose and administration of ghritham
Childern – 1.5 to 5 gms
Adult 5-10ml
Once daily
Best time – empty stomach or after dinner
Dose and administration of kashayam
Childern – 1.5 to 5 ml with 4 times of boiled and warm water
Adult 5-10ml with 4 times of boiled and warm water
Twice daily
Best time – empty stomach or after dinner
Dose and administration of capsules .tablets
Childern – 1
Adult -2
Once daily
Best time – empty stomach or after dinner
Safety profiles
Pregnancy & Lactation
Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu should be avoided during pregnancy and lactation because it contains Semecarpus Anacardium.
Some skin sensitivity
High dose can cause diarrhoea or loss of appetite
Q: What are the Ayurvedic benefits of Panchatikta Guggulu Ghrita for skin and bone health?
A: Panchatikta Guggulu Ghrita, also known as Guggulu Tiktaka Ghritam, is known for its properties in promoting skin and bone health in Ayurveda. It is effective in maintaining overall well-being and supporting the health of the skin and bones.
Q: How should one determine the dosage of Panchatikta Guggulu Ghrita for consumption?
A: The dosage of Panchatikta Guggulu Ghrita should be determined as per the guidance of an Ayurvedic practitioner. Usually, it is recommended to take a quarter to half a teaspoon of the formulation, but the exact dosage may vary based on individual needs and health conditions.
Q: Are there any customer reviews available for Panchatikta Guggulu Ghrita?
A: Customer reviews for Panchatikta Guggulu Ghrita can be found online on various platforms or websites where the product is sold. Reading customer reviews can provide insights into the personal experiences of individuals who have used the product.
Q: What is the product description of Panchatikta Guggulu Ghrita?
A: The product description of Panchatikta Guggulu Ghrita typically includes information about its ingredients, benefits, recommended uses, and any specific instructions for consumption. It helps consumers understand the product better before making a purchase.
Q: How does Ayurveda recommend the usage of Guggulu Tiktaka Ghritam for health benefits?
A: Ayurveda recommends incorporating Guggulu Tiktaka Ghritam into one's daily routine to support overall health. The combination of Guggulu and Ghrita in this formulation has been traditionally used for promoting skin and bone health among other benefits.
Q: Where can I find more information about Ayurvedic practices related to Ghritam?
A: For more information about Ayurvedic practices related to Ghritam, you can consult with an Ayurvedic practitioner or refer to authentic sources on Ayurveda like Ayurvedic texts, websites of renowned Ayurvedic institutions, or books on Ayurvedic medicine.
Q: What are the commonly bought products that are purchased together with Panchatikta Guggulu Ghrita?
A: The frequently bought products that are often purchased together with Panchatikta Guggulu Ghrita may include other Ayurvedic formulations, medicinal ghee products, herbal supplements, or health products that complement the benefits of Panchatikta Guggulu Ghrita.
Can Panchatikta Ghrita be taken with diabetes and high blood pressure medicines?
They should seek doctors advise before intake
Can Panchatikta Ghrita be used in Vasti (enema) karma?
Yes it can be used
Can a diabetic person take Panchatikta Ghrita?
They should seek doctors advise before intake
Can it be used in asthigata vata – extreme upper back pain cause of weak bones – osteoporosis conditions ?
Yes it helps in relieving symptoms due to osteoporotic bones
How does Gulguluthikthakam Gritham Capsule work for rheumatic discomfort?
They work as anti inflammatory to relieve pain and stiffness of joints
How does Panchatikta Ghrita provide relief from psoriasis?
Its both a skin tonic and acts as antiinflamatory
How is Gulguluthikthakam Gritham Capsule different from the traditional ghee format?
Ghritham capsules is a modified form made for the easy carrying and consumption purpose
Is Panchatikta Ghrita helpful in postmenopausal osteoporosis?
Yes it helps
Is it useful for psoriasis?
Yes the ingredients in it acts as anti inflammatory and skin tonic
What Are the Active Phytonutrients inside GugguluTiktaka Gritham?
The compounds identified from the volatile oil of Gulguluthikthakam ghritham are Carvone, Beta-caryophyllene, Valencene, Cubenol, ar-Curcumene, Cedrol, Guaiol, Cembrene, Thunbergol, Guggulusterone, Mukulol and -Paradol