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Ayurvedic Medications and Treatments for Mouth Ulcers

Writer's picture: Dr. G K Tara Jayasri MD(Ayu)Dr. G K Tara Jayasri MD(Ayu)

Mouth Ulcers (Mukha paka) and its treatment in Ayurveda 

Stomatitis is an inflammatory process affecting oral mucosa.  It is characterized by redness, and ulceration in the oral cavity with burning sensation, salvation, and pain.It is characterized by recurring episodes of ulcers, dating typically from childhood or adolescence.

Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) has been categorized into three subtypes; namely minor, major, and herpetiform, based on the clinical characteristics.

·      Minor: Small multiple ulcers with a central necrotic area and a red halo, which heal in about 2 weeks without leaving a scar.

·      Major: Major ulcers are deeply created, and heal with a scar but are soon followed by another ulcer. 

·      Herpetiform: disproportionate pain, adult-onset, and absence of vesicles

Causes of Mouth Ulcer

·      Dry mouth

·      Trauma from ill-fitting dentures or braces

·      Tobacco use

· Infections such as herpes simplex viruses or herpes zoster.

·      Side effects of chemotherapy, radiation

·      Weakened immune system.

·      Deficiency of Vitamin -B12, zinc, Iron.

·      Biting of cheeks

·      Poor oral hygiene

·      Irritating food or chemicals.

·      Hormonal changes

·      excessive intake of citrus and acidic fruits and vegetables,

·      stress

Symptoms of Mukha Paaka (Mouth ulcer)

  • Red patches

  • Blisters

  • Swelling of mouth

  • Pain or irritation on lips, cheeks, gums, tongue.

  • Burning sensation in the mouth

  • Fever

  • Oral thrush

  • Erosion of the buccal cavity

  • Pain and difficulty in chewing pungent, salty, hot, and hard things

  • Enlargement of sublingual and submandibular lymph nodes.


·        Vitamin B complex, systematic antibiotics, tetracycline mouthwash and local application of antiseptic pain relieving gel Mouth Ulcers (Mukha paka) in Ayurveda 

Stomatitis can be co-related with Mukhapaka in Ayurveda.

Ayurvedic Literature has mentioned that Mukharogas occur in Saptaayatana i.e., in seven places which are Aushtha (lips), Dantamoola (gums), Danta (teeth), Talu (palate), Jihwa (tongue), Kantha (throat) and Sarva Mukha (oral cavity). There are 65 types of mukha rogas explained in Ayurveda 

There is an aggravation of Pitta dosha due to excessive intake of spicy, sour, and fried foods and Pitta accumulating habits like improper or insufficient sleep, low water intake, excessive fasting, etc.Major Types of mukha rogas  are

Vataja Mukhapaka, Pittaja Mukhapaka, Kaphaja Mukhapaka, and imbalances in these doshas can vitiate overall health.  Raktaja MukhapakaCauses of mouth ulcers according to Ayurveda 

  • Excessive intake of dry, Raksha, rough, spicy food and beverages.

  • Insufficient water intake.

  • Improper brushing

  • Stress

  • Excess intake of dried food

  • non-utilization, excessive utilization of time and wrong utilization, brain work, and objects of sense organs.

In Ayurvedic classics, special Nidana has been mentioned for all types of Mukharogas.

The general etiopathogenesis of Mukharoga is

·Mukha being the pradhana sthana of bodhaka Kapha ,due to the above said nidana , it gets into vikrutha avastha and causes the symptoms along with dushana of raktha dhatu 

The general line of treatment includes

·Virechana(therapeutic purgation )

·Gandusha- Gandoosha involves mouth rinsing with herbal extracts, which can help improve complexion and oral health. This is one specific remedy that  involves preparing a decoction from various plants and applying it to the affected areas in the mouth, harnessing its wound-healing properties. In this procedure, medicated oil or water is filled in the mouth without moving it inside the oral cavity. 

·Kavala: In this procedure medicated oil or water filled in the mouth moving inside the oral cavity 

·Nasya (nasal administering of oils) is a beneficial practice for patients suffering from various ailments, including those affecting oral health.

·Shirovirechana9blood letting)

·Pratisarana/lepana - Medicinal pastes, or lepa, from herbs like Triphala, Jeshthamadh, Suwarn gairik  and Daruharidra. These pastes can be topically applied to the affected areas in the mouth along with ghee or honey, promoting the healing of wounds and ulcers caused by Stomatitis.

·Dhooma(medicated fumigation after nasya)

·Agni karma(therapeutic heat burna)

·Ksharakarma(application of alkalis)

·Vamana(therapeutic emesis)

·Lekhana (scrapping)

Some of the classical preparations mentioned in Ayurveda for Mouth Ulcers are:

Khadiradi Vati, Patoladi Kwatha, triphaladi Kwatha Irimedadi Taila, Drakshadi kashyam, guduchyadi kashaya, patadi choornam, thikthaka ghritham, dadimadi ghritham, tankana bhasma, gulkandh, and medicated ghee can be beneficial for treating oral health issues.

Single herbs that are beneficial in Mouth Ulcers are:

Khadira, Amla, Draksha, Hareetaki, Chandana, Usheera, jasmine, guava leaves, henna, nalpamara, rose and Parpataka is used.

Pathya of Mukharogas

All  Tikta and Katu Rasa  dravyas

Apathya of Mukharogas

Amla Rasa Dravyas(sour), Abhishyandi Ahara (oily ), Matsya(fish), Dadhi(curd), Masha(black gram), Ruksha, Kathina Padartha Sevana(dry and hard substances), Guru Ahara(heavy foods), Diwaswapna(dy sleep), use of cold water are contraindicated 

What is Ayurveda and how does it relate to mouth ulcers?

Ayurveda is a system of medicine that offers holistic treatments for various health conditions, including mouth ulcers. Ayurvedic medications and therapies aim to balance the doshas in the body to promote overall well-being and address specific issues like ulcers.

What role does ghrita (ghee) play in treating mouth ulcers?

Ghrita, or clarified butter, is often used in Ayurvedic remedies for mouth ulcers due to its soothing and healing properties. It can help reduce inflammation, promote tissue repair, and provide relief from pain associated with ulcers.

Can constipation and indigestion contribute to the development of mouth ulcers?

Yes, constipation and indigestion are believed to be factors that can aggravate the formation of mouth ulcers according to Ayurveda. Addressing these digestive issues can help in managing and preventing ulcers.

What is the concept of dosha in Ayurveda and how does it relate to mouth ulcers?

Doshas are the three energies (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) that govern various functions in the body. Imbalances in these doshas can lead to health problems, including mouth ulcers and may require fomentation or any specialty procedures for relief. Ayurvedic treatments aim to restore doshic balance to alleviate ulcers.

How does deepana (Agni stimulant) therapy help in treating mouth ulcers?

Deepana therapy involves the use of herbs and medications to enhance the digestive fire (Agni) in the body. Improving digestion can aid in the proper absorption of nutrients and elimination of toxins, which can benefit individuals suffering from mouth ulcers.

Can loss of appetite and vibandha (constipation) be associated with mouth ulcers?

Yes, loss of appetite and constipation are common symptoms that may accompany mouth ulcers, as per Ayurvedic principles. Treating these digestive issues can support the healing process and improve overall health.

What is Mukha Pakam and how is it related to the treatment of mouth ulcers?

Mukha Pakam is a term used in Ayurveda to describe mouth ulcers. Ayurvedic physicians may use specific medications, therapies, and dietary recommendations to address Mukha Pakam and promote oral health.

Which is the best medicine for mouth ulcers?

Triphala kashayam ,khadiradi vati etc

What are steroid tablets for mouth ulcers?

Hydrocortisone tablets are generally used but its not at all recommended to take any medication blindly before consulting a certified medical practitioner.

How to use Triphala for mouth ulcers?

You can use it internally with honey or even for a mouth rinse

What is the fastest way to cure a mouth ulcer?

Follow a pitta hara diet in your daily routine 

How to cure mouth ulcers by Ayurveda?

Stress-free, pittahara diet and regular virechana help to keep mouth ulcers at bay.


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