From civilization to modern sciences ,pursuit of good health has been ones fundamental aspiration .Our ancient science Ayurveda explains about seasonal regimen for maintainance of health .In every ritu Climate and dosha have different roles to play. So, to maintain the balance, adherence to Ayurvedic principles is essential. of the dosha ,one has to follow the regimen which are explained in ayurveda so that one can prevent being ill
Hemanta Ritu ,which is considered as late autumn and which falls between mid November to mid January ,is a very pleasant Ritu, coming in Dakshinayana, moon is very powerful than sun, sweet taste are predominant in Ritu, so the strength of person enhances during the period.
Properties of Hemanta Ritu
शीतेअग्र्यं, वृष्तिघर्मेअल्पंबलं, मध्यंतुशेषयो:
While winter may produce its own set of challenges ,Its considered to be the healthiest season amongst all ritus
Basic rules of seasonal regimen, emphasizing ritucharya and the balance of doshas.
During hemantaritu ,taste of sweet is preferred and unctuous and hot foods should be consumed.
Feature of Hemant Ritu
The cold wind blowing from north direction is covered with smoke and dust is all around .The sun is covered with mist and lakes are covered with ice .This is also a flowering season of lodhra ,priyangu and nagakesara
Effect of Hemanta Ritu on body, a period when the agni is strong and can digest heavier foods, helping to balance vata dosha.
According to acharya Charaka , The contraction of blood vessels near the skin in response to the cold weather is a natural mechanism to maintain the thermal balance and to protect the body from excess heat loss .This heat fires up the digestion and helps indigestion .The dual benefits because of this is
The body can take up more food and nutrients and also digestion is strong
So if proper heavy food is not consumed, it will burn away the Rasadidhatus, as the food is in the form of fuel is not available
Predominant rasa during this season is madhura and predominant bhoota is prithvi and vayu
The strength of the person remains highest during this season along with active digestion
Blow of cold winds starts and chillness is felt.
Dos and donts (Ahara and vihara )
· You can relatively take heavy food in Hemanta, as it aligns with Ayurvedic guidance due to the increased agni. based on your prakruthi
· Use of unctuous ,sweet ,sour ,salty foods is encouraged
· Various meat ,fats ,milk ,milk products ,sugarcane products fermented products are allowed
· Meat soup mixed with fats, meat of fattened and well-nourished animals, wine prepared with jaggery, the supematent portion of Surd and Surd as well could be taken in this season.
· Among cereals and pulses, new rice, wheat flour preparations, green gram, corn Masha, etc., are mentioned to be used.
· Also eat warming spices like cardamom, cinnamon, clove, pepper, and turmeric. Avoid junk and carbonated drinks, but try to include meats that keep you warm
· Due to longer nights ,a person feels hungry early in mornings ,so after natural ablutions one should have oil application /abhyangam especially on scalp and body that has vata alleviating properties
· After the oil ,mild bath with aromatic bath powders is allowed
· Mild form of exertion like Wrestling with the wrestlers to half of one’s strength and careful trampling of the body by experts can be done
· Exposure to agaru (Aquilaria agallocha ) fumigation .
· Afterwards, kumkuma and darpa fine powder, also known as kasturi, should be applied.
· Thick sheets made of cotton ,leather ,silk ,wool ,bark of trees that are light in weight should be used during sleep
· Exposure to sunlight should be resorted to .
· People who stay indoors ,encircled with others ,kept warm by fire ,will not be affected by diseases due to cold and dryness
Overall, in Hemantha Ritu, the strength and digestion power are more. Hence one can exercise, undergo oil massage, eat heavy foods
What is the English of Hemanta ritu?
Its pre winter season in english category.
What is the Hemant Ritu dincharya?
Due to high digestive fire during hemanta ,one can take snigdha ,amla and lavana ahara ,anupa mamsa ,mamsa rasa added with ghee ,sura preparations ,godhuma ,blackgram ,milk,butter ,tila thailam etc
They should perform exercises ,take bath with kashaya dravyas ,can do agaru lepana ,and wear shoes to protect from winter.
What are the 6 seasons of India?
Vasastha – spring
Grishma – summer
Varsha – monsoon
Sharadh – autumn
Hemanta –prewinter
Sishira –winter
What is the significance of Hemant Ritu?
The energy and strength of the individual is in highest grade and pittha dosha is assuaged .Agin is potent here in this season.
What to eat in Hemant Ritu?
One should eat unctuous ,sweet ,salty food.Among grains and pulses ,new rice ,flour ,green gram ,masha are suggested.
Q: What is Hemanta Ritu according to Ayurveda?
A: According to Ayurveda, Hemanta Ritu is the early winter season that falls between autumn (Sharad Ritu) and late winter (Shishir Ritu).
Q: How long does the Hemanta Ritu last according to Ayurvedic seasonal guidelines?
A: Hemanta Ritu, as per Ayurvedic seasonal guidelines, lasts for approximately two months.
Q: What are some recommended practices for the winter or Hemanta Ritu as per Ayurveda?
A: Ayurveda suggests practices such as abhyanga (oil massage), wearing warm clothes, nourishing foods, and head massages to maintain balance during Hemanta Ritu.
Q: How can one follow Rutucharya during Hemanta Ritu?
A: Rutucharya during Hemanta Ritu involves adapting to the seasonal changes by adjusting diet, lifestyle, and routines to stay in harmony with nature's rhythm according to Ayurvedic wisdom.
Q: What doshas are typically aggravated during Hemanta Ritu?
A: According to Ayurveda, the Kapha dosha is commonly aggravated during Hemanta Ritu, leading to various health issues if not balanced.
Q: What are some Ayurvedic remedies for imbalances during Hemanta Ritu?
A: Ayurvedic remedies may include consuming warming spices, practicing daily abhyanga, and incorporating sesame oil into the diet to pacify Kapha dosha during Hemanta Ritu.
Q: How does Ayurveda recommend nourishing the body and mind during Hemanta Ritu?
A: Ayurveda suggests nourishing the body and mind during Hemanta Ritu by consuming warm and easily digestible foods, staying hydrated, and practicing self-care routines to maintain balance.