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Ayurvedic Wellness in Monsoon: Embracing Varsha Ritucharya to Combat Lifestyle Disorders | AVCRI | Since 1957

Writer's picture: Dr. G K Tara Jayasri MD(Ayu)Dr. G K Tara Jayasri MD(Ayu)

Varsha Kala Charya(Monsoon )

Monsoon (Rainy Season Regimen) in India usually lasts from June to September.

What happens in Varsha ritu ?

Sky being covered with clouds and rain ,ponds and rivers filled with water . Wells are covered by various types of Lotus like Kumuda, Nilotpala. In Varsha Ritu Water is impure and sky is covered by clouds and due to heavy rainfall there is humidity or moisture in the environment and because of the humidity in body there is vitiation of Vata and Agni gets hampered. Because of this reason ,food consumed undergoes Vidaha and due to this there is Pitta Sanchaya (accumulation of Pitta Dosha) in the body

Dominant rasa

Rasa predominance goes with amla rasa and panchamahabhoota of prithvi and agni 

In Varsha Ritu, Water Vapour formed from heated earth due to rainfall causes Tri-dosha Prakopa,Rainfall causes Vata and Kapha Prakopa while Amla Paka of water aggravates Pitta and Kapha Dosha. And consequently Vata and other Dosha get vitiated.

Agni Bala

The Jatharagni is said to be Alpa i.e. weak during Varsha Ritu. This could be due to vapours coming from the earth, heavy rainfall and amla vipaka of water.

Sharira Bala

So in the Varsha Ritu, Sharira Bala is Durbala i.e. weak.

Diet regimen

·       Foods having Amla (sour) and Lavana (salty) taste and of Sneha (unctuous) qualities are to be taken.

·       Among cereals, old barley, rice, wheat, etc., are advised.

·       One should take medicated water or boiled water.

·       Intake of river water, churned preparations having more water, excessive liquid and wine are to be avoided.

·       The foods, which are heavy and hard to digest, like meat, etc., are prohibited.

·       One should consume Honey mixed with any diet, drink, and others.

·       In order to protect the Agni (Digestion), use Purana Yava (old barley), Godhuma (wheat), Raktashali (rice), Jangala Mansa (meat of animals from arid region) and Yusha (Dal Soup).

·       Consume Dadhi Mastu (whey) mixed with Lavana and Panchakola Churna (powder).

·       Taking Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula) with Saindhava (rock salt) is beneficial in Varsha Ritu.


·       Use of boiled water for bath and rubbing the body with oil properly after bath is advised.

·       Pragharshan (massage body), Udvartana (massage body with medicated powders) and Snana (bath)

·       One should not walk without footwear and should wear Laghu (light), clean, scented and fumed clothes

·       One should avoid Diwaswapa (Day Sleep), Avashyay (Morning Dew).

·       One should Avoid Vyayama (Excessive Exercise), Aatapa Sevana (Exposure to sun),

·       Getting wet in rain, day-sleep, exercise, hard work, wind, staying at river bank, etc., are to be prohibited

Panchakarma procedures

·       After Shodhana Karma i.e. Vamana and Virechana, Ashtapana Basti or Niruha Basti is administered during Varsha Ritu.

·       Medicated Basti (enema) is prescribed as an evacuative measure to expel vitiated Doshas.

·       Yogasanas and breathing exercises like Nadi Shodhan Pranayama, Kapal Bhati, Bhujangasana, Naukasana, Shalabasana and Tadasana are beneficial for health.

From Ayurveda’s perspective,whereas the dehydrating heat of summer has already aggravated Vata, the fire of Pitta, which had been suppressed to prevent the body from overheating, is muzzled further when the temperature drops. These Vata and Pitta imbalances weaken our digestive fire, and bring stamina levels down.

Health problems commonly faced by women during Varsha Ritu

Joint health,digestion  and  monthly cycles are always connected In monsoon ,women are more likely to experience

·       Heavy bleeding – Due to improper functioning of vata

·       Recurrent vaginal infection – Due to weak immunity

·       Mood swings – Due to aggravated pittha

·       Menstrual cramps – due to vitiated vata

·       Swetha pradara /Leukorrhoea – Due to reduction of oestrogen levels caused by less day light and cloudy atmosphere 

Q: What is Varsha Ritucharya in Ayurveda?

A: Varsha Ritucharya refers to the seasonal regimen to be followed during the monsoon season according to Ayurveda.

Q: How can Ayurveda help in maintaining a healthy body during the monsoon season?

A: Ayurveda prescribes specific regimens in diet and lifestyle, known as Varsha Ritucharya, to stay healthy during the monsoon season.

Q: What are some Ayurvedic tips for staying healthy during the rainy season?

A: Ayurveda suggests consuming warm foods like soups, buttermilk, and lukewarm water during the monsoon season to support your health.

Q: Why is the monsoon season considered significant in Ayurveda?

A: The monsoon season, also known as Varsha Ritucharya, is considered beneficial for health and well-being according to Ayurveda.

Q: How important is it to follow a healthy diet according to Ayurveda during the monsoon season?

A: Following a healthy diet and regimen during the monsoon season is essential to maintain optimal health and strengthen the body and mind.

Q: What are some lifestyle disorders that can be prevented by following Varsha Ritucharya?

A: By embracing Varsha Ritucharya, lifestyle disorders can be prevented, and the strength of an individual can be maintained during the monsoon season.

Q: Why is the monsoon season considered a time to enjoy according to Ayurveda?

A: Ayurveda considers the monsoon season as a time to enjoy as it is beneficial to health and well-being when the right diet and lifestyle practices are followed.

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