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Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) Diagnosis and Treatment Options in Prostate Enlargement | AVCRI Ayurveda | Since 1957

Writer's picture: Dr. G K Tara Jayasri MD(Ayu)Dr. G K Tara Jayasri MD(Ayu)

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) Diagnosis and Treatment Options

Taking Care of Your Prostate Health: An Ayurvedic Perspective

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a health condition characterized by the non-cancerous growth of the prostate gland, leading to the blockage of urine flow. The prostate is a vital walnut-sized gland that is present in males under the bladder .The gland tends to get enlarged with age. It is common for men over the age of 50 to have prostate issues because the gland has become too big and presses down on the urethra.Common prostate problems are benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), acute and chronic bacterial prostatitis, and chronic prostatitis (non-bacterial).

Ayurveda And Prostate Problems

Mootraghata itself has commonly used terminology as a symptom of various diseases or result of various aetiologies advocated in ancient Ayurvedic literature.Mootraghata correlated to lower urinary tract symptom (LUTS) in modern science caused by benign prostate hyperplasia (Out of 12 types of Mootraghata, Vatastheela can be correlated with BPH.BPH has a high prevalence as a causative factor of LUTS.BPH is a non-malignant enlargement of the prostate caused by cellular hyperplasia 

Signs and Symptoms of BPH:

·       Increased frequency of urination especially during night.

·       Incontinence or inability to hold urine even for a short time.

·       Dribbling of urine at the end of voiding.

·       Weak or non-continuous stream of urine.

·       Inability to empty the bladder completely.

·       The presence of blood in the semen or urine

·       Frequent pain or stiffness in the lower back, hip or thigh area

Prostate problems and why they occur?

The exact reason for BPH is not yet understood, but according to Ayurveda, imbalanced Kapha and Vata doshas in the body due to certain foods and activities can cause symptoms similar to those of BPH. Additionally, suppressing the need to urinate, delaying urination for an extended period, and similar habits can also result in symptoms associated with BPH.

This leads to the urethral opening becoming blocked, which affects urination.

According to Ayurveda, the reason for prostate problems is the buildup of toxins (Ama) in the body. Toxins can build-up due to various reasons. It can happen due to a poor diet and weakened digestion.

A poor lifestyle, lack of exercise, overuse of alcohol, unhealthy indulgence in sex, and lack of sufficient fluid intake can all lead to prostate problems.

Diagnosis is usually through:

  • Rectal examination

  • Ultrasound scan

  • Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels

 Allopathy usually treats these problems with:

  • Hormone therapy

  • Surgery

  • Radiation therapy

  • Radiation treatments such as radio waves, microwaves lasers

  • Medication to reduce symptoms

Can Ayurveda Help To Deal With Prostate Issues? How?

Ayurveda views BPH as an imbalance of vata dosha caused by a blockage in the flow of urine. Treatment focuses on clearing the blockage by using medications and therapies that balance vata and kapha doshas.Patients may receive internal medicines like medicated ghee, herbal concoctions, and tablets based on the severity of the condition. Additional treatments such as detox therapies (Snehapana, Virechana), herbal enemas, and specialized oil applications may be recommended. Dietary guidelines and gentle exercises are also suggested as part of the treatment plan.

What Are The Various Natural Remedies And Tips For Prostate Problems?

Ayurvedic science has a few home remedies and natural tips to keep the prostate healthy.

  • Adequate hydration ensures that there is no concentration of the urine. So drink plenty of water throughout the day.

  • Urinate without being in a hurry so that the bladder is completely emptied.

  • Eating fresh and juicy fruits that are also sweet supports the Rasa Dhatu. One should also include Badam (almonds) and Akhrot (walnuts) in the diet.

  • The Apana Vata should be supported well. When it is aggravated more of the metabolic toxin Ama enters the Rakta Dhatu.

  • Bowel movements should be regular to avoid aggravating the Apana Vata.

  • When one feels the need to urinate it should not be ignored for long.

  • A healthy lifestyle can be supplemented with Ayurvedic therapies for detoxification and Ayurvedic medicine for prostate problems.

What Are The Ayurvedic herbs For Prostate Issues? 

·       Haldi (Turmeric): This golden yellow spice is helpful to reduce the metabolic toxin Ama and the more dangerous form Amavisha. It supports the health of the liver thereby purifying the blood and helping ease prostate issues. 

·       Methi (Fenugreek): The enlargement of the gland causes most prostate problems. Methi helps reduce this enlargement which makes it the best Ayurvedic medicine for enlarged prostates. 

·       Pudina (mint), Jeera (cumin) and Saunf (fennel): These spices are used traditionally to help maintain the Vata Dosha and regulate the bowels. They can be incorporated into daily cooking or as herbal teas and salad ingredients. 

·       Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris):It is useful to manage urinary problems by helping to improve urine flow.It is useful in Ayurvedic therapies for erectile dysfunction, urinary tract infections and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Ayurveda states that it is a wound healer, anti-inflammatory, promotes ovulation and helps manage glucose intolerance.

·       Varun (Crataeva nurvala) :It is one of the more well known Ayurvedic herbs in Ayurvedic medicine for prostate infection and enlargement.It is popular in herbal supplements for urine retention, kidney stones, headache, gout, bloat and cardiac problems.

·       Alsi (Linum usitatissimum):It is used in folk medicine for enlarged prostate and BPH.The seeds are soaked in water and the liquid is taken in the morning to relieve burning urination and as an Ayurvedic medicine for prostate enlargement

·       Bruhati (Solanum indicum):It is especially useful in the Ayurvedic management of respiratory issues, chronic respiratory problems, skin problems, colic, bad breath, diarrhoea, stress, depression, premature ejaculation, digestive and neurological issues.

·       ​​​​​Darbha (Imperata cylindrica):This grass is used for its properties of being antibacterial, diuretic and styptic.

·       Punarnava or Boerhavia Diffusa: This is a great medication, which helps improve blood flow to and from the kidneys and also helps in increasing the count of red blood cells. All these properties make this particular species of flowering plant an absolute master when it comes to preventing prostate cancer.

Classical formulations like

·       Yasada Bhasma:This the ash of zinc that is used in traditional Ayurvedic formulations.As prostate problems are known to be caused by this mineral’s deficiency, supplementation helps to counter issues.

·       Varanadi Kwatha:This is an Ayurvedic formulation that has traditionally been useful in supporting prostate gland health. This Ayurvedic treatment for the prostate is believed to help maintain the size of the prostate gland.

·       Gokshuradivati

·       Kanchanaragugulu

·       Chadraprabavati

·       Vasthyamayanthakam kashayam ,

·       Thrayanthyadi kashayam,

·       Punarnavadi kashayam .

·       Brahathyadi kashayam,

·       Gokshuragulgulu etc 


​​​​​​Dietary recommendations 

Ayurveda recommends a diet that is rich in whole, unprocessed foods, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Spices such as ginger, Ashwagandha, and Shatavari are also beneficial for prostate health. Consuming foods that are high in fat, sugar, and processed ingredients should be avoided. Ayurveda also recommends avoiding excessive consumption of red meat, alcohol, and caffeine.

A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats is thought to protect the prostate. Specific foods known to benefit the prostate include:

Tomatoes: Tomatoes are packed with lycopene, an antioxidant that may benefit prostate gland cells. Cooking tomatoes, such as in tomato sauce or soup, helps to release the lycopene and make it more readily available to the body.

Berries: Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries are excellent sources of antioxidants, which help to remove free radicals from the body. Free radicals are the byproducts of reactions that occur within the body and can cause damage and disease over time.

Nuts: Nuts are rich in zinc, a trace mineral. Zinc is found in high concentrations in the prostate and is thought to help balance testosterone and DHT. Besides nuts, shellfish and legumes are also high in zinc. Mixed nuts are available for purchase in grocery stores and online.

Citrus: Oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruits are all high in vitamin C, which may help to protect the prostate gland.

Onions and garlic: One study found that men with BPH tended to eat less garlic and onions that men without BPH. More research is needed to confirm these results, but onions and garlic are healthful additions to most diets.

Life style

In addition to diet and herbal remedies, Ayurveda also recommends certain practices for optimal prostate health such as regular exercise, yoga, and pranayama, which can help to improve blood flow and promote the healthy functioning of the reproductive system

Another important aspect of Ayurveda is the practice of stress management, which can have a significant impact on prostate health. Stress can cause an imbalance in the doshas, leading to inflammation and other issues. Ayurveda recommends practices such as meditation and yoga to help reduce stress and promote relaxation.


Another Ayurvedic remedy for prostate health is the practice of “Uttara Basti”, which is a form of an herbal enema. This treatment helps to remove toxins and inflammation from the prostate, and can also help to improve urine flow



The    Basti    which    is    given    through Uttaramarga  (given  through  ‘Mutra  or  Yonimarga)  or Utkrishta  Avayava  or  therapeutic  procedure  having Shreshta properties, is termed as Uttarabasti.Uttarabasti   comes   under   Snehabasti , Anuvasana Basti



The   patient   should   then   be seated  on  a  knee  high  and  soft  seat  in  a  straight  and comfortable   position.   Then   his   phallus   should   be made  erect  (Nalamasya  praharshitam)  and  Shalaka (probe),  smeared  with  ghee  should  be  inserted  in  to the   urethra.   If   it   can   be   passed   without   any obstruction, then the Basti netra should be introduced according  to  the  size  of  the  phallus  (in  the  line  of perineal raphae). If it penetrates too far, it may injure the  bladder  and  if  insufficiently  inserted  the  Sneha may  not  reach  its  destination.Then,  compressing  the Bastiputaka  without  shaking  it  and  without  causing discomfort that Basti netra should be withdrawn.


Q: What is benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)?

A: Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland that can cause urinary symptoms.

Q: What are the symptoms of BPH?

A: Symptoms of BPH include frequent urination, urgency to urinate, weak urine flow, difficulty starting urination, and incomplete emptying of the bladder.

Q: How is BPH diagnosed?

A: BPH is typically diagnosed through a combination of medical history assessment, physical examination, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test, and imaging studies like ultrasound or MRI.

Q: What are the treatment options for BPH?

A: Treatment options for BPH include watchful waiting, lifestyle modifications, medications, minimally invasive procedures like transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), and surgical interventions.

Q: What is transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP)?

A: TURP is a surgical procedure used to treat BPH by removing excess prostate tissue that is blocking the urinary flow.

Q: Can BPH lead to complications if left untreated?

A: Yes, untreated BPH can lead to complications such as urinary retention, urinary tract infections, bladder stones, and kidney damage.

Q: Are there alternative treatments for BPH besides surgery?

A: Yes, alternative treatments for BPH include medications like alpha blockers and 5-alpha reductase inhibitors, as well as minimally invasive procedures like prostatic urethral lift and photoselective vaporization of the prostate.

Q: How can I manage the symptoms of BPH at home?

A: You can manage BPH symptoms at home by minimizing fluid intake before bedtime, avoiding caffeine and alcohol, practicing double voiding, and engaging in pelvic floor exercises.


What is the first line treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia?

Vatanulomana chikitsa would be the first line of treatment

Can an enlarged prostate be cured?

The symptoms can be effectively managed at the right intervention

What is the best drink to shrink prostate?

Tomato juices and citrus juices can shrink prostate

Is an enlarged prostate serious?

Its not serious but can impact your life by symptoms

Can benign prostatic hyperplasia be identified in the primary care setting using only simple tests?

Yes it can be

Enlarged prostate: Does diet play a role?

Yes ofcourse

How can I reduce my risk of developing benign prostatic hyperplasia?

By proper diet and exercise and life  style changes

How common is benign prostatic hyperplasia?

50 percent of men between age 51 to 60 ,70 percenty between 60 to 70 and 80 percent above 80 years

How is benign prostatic hyperplasia diagnosed?

By usg and psa levels

If I don’t have BPH, what other condition might I have?

It could be  a       UTI ,urethral stricture of inflamed prostate

Is benign prostatic hyperplasia contagious?


What does it mean to have an enlarged prostate?

An enlarged prostate is often called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). It is not cancer, and it does not raise your risk for prostate cancer.

What happens if you leave an enlarged prostate untreated?

It can lead to urinary disturbance and can block urethra

What is the difference between prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia?

BPH results in the prostate becoming larger in size. The term "benign" indicates that it is not cancerous, whereas "hyperplasia" refers to the abnormal proliferation of prostate cells.In contrast, prostate cancer leads to the development of cancerous cells within the prostate tissue. These cells multiply in an unregulated manner. Prostate cancer typically progresses slowly, potentially remaining asymptomatic for months or even years.


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