Intestinal Worms and Ayurvedic Treatment
Stomach worms, or intestinal parasites, can cause uncomfortable symptoms and health issues ranging from abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, nausea, and fatigue. While conventional treatments involve medication, Ayurveda offers natural alternativesThe human body hosts a variety of parasites that gain entry into the body through raw and stale food, polluted water, undercooked beef, pork, fish, and contaminated food and vegetables or directly through the skin. Roundworms, tapeworms, and hookworms affect kids, while string worms, pinworms, and whipworms are the most well-known in adults.
Ayurvedic Description Of Worm Infestation
In Ayurveda, this condition is known as Krimi Roga and these Krimis or worms are of three types as per Ayurvedic texts. The Kaphaja Krimi, Raktaja Krimi and Purishaja Krimi. Based on their location and factors, these worms tend to give different signs and symptoms. However, some of the signs and symptoms remain the same in all of these.
Types of Intestinal Worms Infections
Residing in the stomach and small intestine, these parasites increase in number and move throughout the alimentary tract. Their size and shape vary. Seven species of Kapha krimi exist.
Symptoms of Kapha Krimi
They cause excess salivation, nausea, loss of taste and appetite, indigestion, fainting, vomiting, gas, fever, abdominal distention, excess sneezing, emaciation, and nasal mucus.
Residing in the blood vessels, they are very tiny, legless, round, copper-colored, and are of six species. These parasites are related to filaria, malaria, and viruses in the blood, spleen, and liver. They come from flea, mosquito, and bedbug bites.
Symptoms of rakthaja Krimi
Symptoms include burning, skin discoloration, itching, raised patches, pricking pain, and symptoms of other skin diseases.
Reside in the colon, usually moving downwards. When they increase in number they travel up to the stomach and small intestine. They are thick, round, thin, and threadlike, or thick, blue, yellow, white, or black, and of five species.
Symptoms of Feces Krimi
They cause the smell of feces in the mouth, belching, and exhalations. They cause diarrhea, dysentery, and abdominal pain; they also cause food to remain undigested in the stomach, poor digestion, emaciation, and rectal itching
General Signs & Symptoms includes
· Inflammation of intestine
· Iron-deficiency anemia
· Protein deficiency
· Vomiting
· Constipation
· Diarrhea
· Abdominal distension
· Indigestion
· Nausea or Vomiting
· Queasiness/retching
· Weakness
· Pain and delicacy in the belly
· Rash/tingle around rectum or vulva
· Passing of worms in stools
Samprapthi of krimi according to Ayurveda
Due to the mithya ahara and vihara ,The aggravated doshas invade all the channels inside the body, vitiating the skin, lymph, blood, and muscles, making these areas a host place for parasites to live.
Intestinal worms, known as "krimi" in Ayurveda, are considered a result of the vitiation (imbalance) of the Kapha dosha. When Kapha is imbalanced, it can create a conducive environment for the growth and proliferation of intestinal worms.
Long untreated intestinal worms may lead to many health complications such as:
· Chronic Diarrhea or Constipation
· Dryness of the body
· Anemia
· Indigestion
· Drowsiness
· Ulceration in the anus
· Malabsorption disorders
Recommended Prevention For Intestinal Worms
· Maintain good hygiene practices, such as washing hands before meals and after using the restroom.
· Drink boiled and purified water always.
· Drink filtered water or boiled water.
· Wash vegetables and fruits properly before consuming them.
· Cook the food thoroughly, particularly red meat, chicken, etc.
· Avoid consuming contaminated food and water.
· Avoid eating street foods.
· Ensure your child is wearing footwear while playing in the playground
· Include spices and herbs in your diet, such as garlic, coriander, carom seed, and asafetida(hing).
· Ensure proper sanitation and cleanliness in your living environment.
Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Stomach Worms
Triphala possesses anthelmintic properties that help expel parasites from the digestive tract. Prepare a decoction by boiling one teaspoon of Triphala powder in a cup of water. Strain and drink this solution on an empty stomach in the morning for a week to eliminate stomach worms effectively.
·Black henbane and jaggery
Take 20 gm of jaggery early in the morning. After 30 minutes, take one gram of khurasai ajvayan seeds (Hyoscyamus niger) with cold water. This expels intestinal worms.
·Palasha beeja
The seed of Butea frondosa or Forest flame (palaasa beeja in Sanskrit) is good medicine for roundworms. One to three grams of the powder has to be taken with buttermilk twice a day. This can also be taken in the form of decoction.
Garlic is a potent antimicrobial and antiparasitic agent in Ayurveda. It contains compounds like allicin and ajoene, which possess strong vermifuge properties. Consume two to three cloves of raw garlic daily or include it in your meals to combat stomach worms. Alternatively, you can make garlic paste and mix it with honey for a palatable remedy.
The glandular hair found on the fruits of Mallotus philippinensis (kampilla) are an excellent anthelmintic for expelling intestinal worms including tapeworms. One to two grams of the powder should be taken with honey, Jaggery or curd
·Papaya Seeds
Papaya seeds are rich in enzymes like papain, which help break down proteins and eliminate parasites from the intestines. Grind one tablespoon of papaya seeds and mix them with a tablespoon of honey. Consume this mixture daily on an empty stomach for about a week to effectively expel stomach worms.
Chew on a few neem leaves daily on an empty stomach to cleanse the digestive tract and expel stomach worms. You can also prepare neem tea by boiling neem leaves in water and drinking it warm for added benefits.
Pomegranate is not only delicious but also possesses anthelmintic properties that help eliminate stomach worms. Drink a glass of freshly squeezed pomegranate juice daily to flush out parasites from the digestive system. You can also consume pomegranate seeds or include them in salads for added benefits. The powder of either the bark or the fruit peel of pomegranate is effective in expelling roundworms and tapeworms. Three to six grams of the powder should be taken along with sugar.
Onion is rich in sulfur compounds that stop the worms from multiplying. It is best advised to have a combination of onion and garlic in the morning for the best results.
Embelia ribes (vidang) and powdered seeds are used for this purpose and they should be taken on an empty stomach. Take two to three grams of the powder with honey.
·Pumpkin seeds:
These seeds are rich in compounds that help in combating tapeworms and nematodes
These kill microscopic parasites, parasitic larvae, and eggs. It also helps in killing the bacteria and parasites which cause malaria and tuberculosis.
Ginger is a versatile herb known for its digestive properties in Ayurveda. It contains gingerol and shogaol, compounds that possess anthelmintic properties. Prepare ginger tea by boiling crushed ginger in water and drinking it warm. Consuming ginger tea regularly can help prevent and treat stomach worms effectively.
Ingudi (Balanites roxburghii) is a very good medicine for roundworms, threadworms, and tapeworms. The decoction of its bark will give relief from the infection. The powder of the seeds can also be taken.
One to two grams of powder of drumstick seeds, leaves, and gum extracts is taken with water twice a day.
·Black cumin
They induce oxidative stress against adult worms
·Jatiphalaa/Nut meg
It can treat intestinal worms and intestinal infections
Classical preparations like Krimi-kuthaara rasa, Vidangaarishta, Avipathikara Choorna, krimigna vati, poothikaranjasava, duralabarista, vidangadi loha etc helps.
What are the common symptoms of intestinal worms?
Common symptoms of intestinal worms include itching around the anus, anal or vaginal itching, fatigue, bowel movement changes, diarrhea, weight loss, and visible worms in stool.
How are intestinal worms diagnosed?
Intestinal worms can be diagnosed through stool sample analysis to identify eggs or worms, as well as through blood tests to detect specific antibodies.
What are the treatment options for intestinal worms?
Treatment options for intestinal worms may include prescribed medications, such as albendazole or mebendazole, as well as home remedies like consuming garlic, pumpkin seeds, or papaya seeds.
When should I see a doctor for a suspected intestinal worm infection?
It is advisable to see a doctor if you experience symptoms of intestinal worms, have traveled to areas with high parasite risk, or notice worms or eggs in your stool.
What are the common causes of pinworm infection?
Pinworm infection is commonly caused by ingesting pinworm eggs from contaminated surfaces, such as food, water, or bedding, or through close contact with an infected person.
What are the risk factors for intestinal worm infections?
Risk factors for intestinal worm infections include poor sanitation, living in or visiting areas with high parasite prevalence, inadequate hygiene practices, and consuming contaminated food or water.
How are stomach worms in children typically present?
Stomach worms in children may cause symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, bloating, weight loss, and diarrhea.
What is the best medicine for intestinal worms?
Vidanga choornam is the best medicine in Ayurveda
Are home remedies effective against a pinworm infection?
Yes it helps
Are pinworms contagious?
Yes they are
How do adults get worms?
Contaminated and uncooked food, soil, polluted water
What complications are associated with a pinworm infection?
It can lead infections to in female genital organs
What do intestinal worms feed on?
From their hosts
What does poop look like when you have worms?
Like pieces of threads
Who’s at risk for a pinworm infection?
Children ranging from age 3-5