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Comprehensive Ayurvedic Management of Nasarsha (Nasal Polyp): Causes, Symptoms, Effective Treatment

What Are Nasal Polyps?

The nose is the most important organ of Urdhwajatru and is the gateway for the cranial cavity as well as the respiratory system. It is one of the Panchagnanendriyas(5 sensory organs) and is responsible for Gandha Jnana(smell). Nasarshas is one among the thirty-one Nasagata Rogas mentioned in our classics. The Doshas vitiating the Twak, Mamsa, and Meda produce Mamsanukuras of different shapes called “Arshas”. 

Nasal polyps are a collection of small benign growth  that grows within  the mucosal layer of the inner nose. Moreover, the nasal mucosa is a moist layer that protects the nose and sinuses from various pathogens entering into it and also humidifies the inner nasal canal and sinuses.  

There are two different types of nasal polyps: ethmoidal polyps and antrochoanal polyps.

Symptoms of Nasal polyps

· Difficulty in breathing

· Rhinitis

· Reduced sensation of smell 

· Snoring

· Itchy sensation around eyes and a feeling of foreign body sensation

Nasal stuffiness leads to complete or partial obstruction.

Breathing through the nose.

Frequent infections.

Sneezing and watery discharge from the nose.

Facial pain and headache or sense of pressure on the head can often be associated with diseases of the ear and paranasal sinuses. 

Causes of Nasal Polyps 

·      A chronic manifestation of Rhino sinusitis, 

·      Nasal mastocytosis (characterized by the accumulation of mast cells in the nasal mucosa. Mast cells are a type of white blood cell that play a key role in allergic reactions and are part of the body's immune system)

·      Sinusitis caused due to fungal allergy

·       Nasal allergy.

·      Asthma.

·      Chrug-Strauss Syndrome(is a rare autoimmune disease characterized by inflammation of small to medium-sized blood vessels (vasculitis) and the presence of an abnormally high number of eosinophils, a type of white blood cell)

·      Asprirn intolerance.

·      Young Syndrome(also known as Sinusitis-Infertility Syndrome, is a rare condition that primarily affects men and is characterized by a combination of chronic sinusitis, bronchiectasis, and reduced fertility.)

Polyps can be graded into four Stages according to their size.

▪ Stage I: Limited to the extent of the middle turbinate. 

▪ Stage II: Extending beyond the limit of middle turbinate.

▪ Stage III: Approaching to inferior turbinate.

▪ Stage IV: Going up to the floor of nose.

Management of Nasal Polyp

The removal of polyps surgically is known as polypectomy. In this surgery, with the help of a small suction device- a microdebrider- the doctor cuts and removes the soft tissue. 

Ayurvedic View of Nasal Polyps

Ayurveda correlates nasal polyps to Nasa Arsha that arise due to increased Kapha Dosha. When Kapha dosha becomes vitiated (imbalanced), it can lead to excessive mucus production, congestion, and the growth of various types of tissue anomalies, such as polyps. This imbalance might cause the accumulation of ama (toxins) and lead to disorders characterized by excessive tissue growth and swelling in the nostrils.

The clinical symptoms of nasarshas

·      Pratishayaya (nasal discharge),

·      Atimatram kshavathu (excessive sneezing),

·      Kricha-uchhwasta (difficulty in breathing),

·      Putinasya (offensive nasal secretion disease),

·      Anunasika vakyatvam (loss of nasal tone),

·      Shirodukham (headache).


4 types of Nasarsha are explained in Ayurveda: Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja, and Sannipataja 

Samprapti of Nasarsha

After intake of Nidanas like exposure to excessive cold, smoke, dust, and Ati Nidra (excessive sleep), the Doshas mainly get aggravated and get lodged into Nasa, which vitiates Twak, Mamsa, and Medo leading to the production of Nasarsha. 

5 types of treatments for nasarsha  are Aushadhi, Ksharkarma, Agnikarma, nasyam, and Shastra Karma. 


1.    Aushadi:

Intake of medicinal supplements, especially those with kaphahara properties, reduces nasal polyps’ growth.

Kashayams like varanadi kashayam ,dasamoolakatutrayam kashyama ,gorochanadi pill,kanchanaraguggulu ,guguluthikthakam kashayam ,chitraka hareetaki,haridrakhandam ,triphala gugulu,varadi kashayam ,Agastya rasayanam helps


2.    Kshara karma:

The application of alkali having teekshna, lekhana, tridoshgna, and ushna properties externally arrest the growth of nasal polyps.

Kshara Karma, as described by Sushruta, is an Ayurvedic procedure involving the application of a specialized alkaline preparation (kshara) to treat nasal polyps (nasarsha).


How is kshara prepared for Nasal Polyp?

The kshara is prepared from a combination of alkaline substances derived from medicinal plants like Apamarga (Achyranthes aspera) or Aragvadha (Cassia fistula). The ash obtained from these plants is processed and refined to create a potent alkaline paste.


How is kshara applied?

The kshara paste is carefully applied to the site of the nasal polyps using a specialized instrument. This application is done with precision to ensure the kshara targets the abnormal tissue while minimizing damage to the surrounding healthy tissue.


Mode of action of kshara

CAUTERISATION -The alkaline nature of the kshara causes chemical cauterization of the polyps, leading to their shrinkage and eventual removal.


3.    Agnikarma: Cauterization of the nasal polyps.


4.    Sastrakarma: Surgical methods can be adopted to manage nasal polyps.

5.    Nasyam: Instilling nasal drops with lekhana, teekshna, and tridoshgna properties helps to manage nasal polyps.

Nasyam with shadbindhu thailam ,anu thailam ,gudardraka nasyam ,nimbooka nasyam,karaviradi thaila,grihadhoomadi thailam,chitrakadi thaialm  can help


6.    Dhoopanam with haridra  varti helps to reduce inflammation 

Home remedies for nasal polyp

·     Turmeric milk

·     Steam Inhalation

·     Hot spicesSpices like pepper, ginger, and spice, which contain capsaicin can help clear sinuses by relieving inflammation, as noted in a case studies. It also enhances immunity and promotes the opening up of the nasal passages controlling the nasal polyp symptoms and their causes.

·      Steam inhalation and the use of a regular humidifier can help control the symptoms of Nasal Polyps.

·      Nasal irrigation with a neti pot may help symptoms caused by nasal polyps.

·      Saline spray

Lifestyle modifications

1.    Maintain self-hygiene as well as environmental hygiene.

2.    Avoid exposure to excessive colds, allergens like tobacco, dust, chemical fumes, pollens etc.

3.    Practice Yoga therapies like pranayama and breathing exercises regularly.

Herbs used to treat this disorder: Jayphala, Guduchi, apamarga kshara, haridra, kulanjana ,varuna ,kanchanara ,sunti etc  


What are nasal polyps?

Nasal polyps are fleshy swellings that occur in the lining of the nasal passages and sinuses.

How does Ayurveda approach the management of nasal polyps (nasarsha)?

Ayurveda offers holistic treatment for nasal polyps by focusing on balancing the body's doshas and strengthening the nasal mucosa.

What are the symptoms of nasal polyps?

Symptoms of nasal polyps may include nasal congestion, post-nasal drip, difficulty in breathing, and a reduced sense of smell.

Is there an effective Ayurvedic treatment for nasal polyps?

Yes, Ayurvedic treatments such as Nasya (nasal therapy), herbal remedies, and lifestyle modifications have shown promising results in managing nasal polyps.

How can one prevent the recurrence of nasal polyps?

Following an Ayurvedic lifestyle, maintaining proper nasal hygiene, and avoiding known irritants can help prevent the recurrence of nasal polyps.

Can Ayurveda provide significant improvement in cases of nasal polyps?

Yes, Ayurvedic management has been known to provide significant relief and improvement in symptoms related to nasal polyps without the need for surgery.

Are there any specific journals or sources that discuss the Ayurvedic management of nasal polyps?

The "Journal of Ayurveda" and other Ayurvedic medical publishers often publish articles on the management of nasal polyps using Ayurvedic principles.

What is the use of Nasarsha Tailam?

For treatment of nasal polyps and sinusitis

Can Ayurveda cure nasal polyps?

Yes it can

Can nasal polyps be cured permanently?

Yes it can be

Can turmeric cure nasal polyps?

Yes it can

Does salt water help nasal polyps?

Yes it helps

What worsens nasal polyps?

Infections, allergies, and long-term inflammations 

How to use nasarsas tailam?

Applied on the affected area and massaged in a circular way 


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