Draksharishta: restorative elixir for complete well being and health
Dry raisins are yummy, healthy, and nutritious superfoods offered by nature that we can relish any time.
I am sure no one has missed eating these tiny delicious and nutritious raisins ,a hand full in their childhood .
Dry grapes are common kitchen ingredient in Indian house are imbibed with a bunch of nutrients. This is a superfood from family of dry fruit which is topped on various Indian desserts like kheer.
Ayurveda indicates the grape fruit as “DrakshaPhalottama”– which means that the grape fruit is the best out of all others.
Raisins are full of natural sugar and hence they are one of the healthier alternatives to sweets.AlsoRaisins, enriched with several nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, polyphenols, and dietary fibers, make a nourishing addition to Ayurvedic tonics.
One of the ayurvedic formulation which has dry raisins as its main ingredient is Draksharistam.It chiefly contains 5-10% of self-generated alcohol that helps transport water and alcohol-soluble herbs to the body.
It offers plethora of health benefits right from improving digestion, treating constipation, boosting immunity, caring respiratory issues Like cough, cold, Asthma, a common ailment, can find relief in Ayurvedic practices and the right herbal concoctions., promoting cardiac functions, and uplifting women’s health. It's also a tonic, embodying the holistic approach of Ayurveda. nutritional supplement, used in the treatment of phthisis, physical weakness, anorexia nervosa, loss of appetite, Insomnia, often addressed by Ayurvedic remedies, can be alleviated with the right herbal tonic., vertigo associated with weakness, and headache.This incredible medicinal formulation is classified as an adaptogen and thus helps in normalising stress and anxiety and thus enhances overall stamina
Loaded with medicinal properties like being Adaptogenic, Antioxidant, Cardioprotective, Carminative, Digestive Stimulant, Haematinic, and Mild laxative. is well tolerated in all people with Vata, Pitta, and Kapha disorders, but it is more likely to affect Vata Dosha.
Letssee what makes This elixir so tasty?
KwathaDravya(Drugs for making decoction )
Draksha (Grapes) – Vitis vinifera
Sandhana Dravya (fermentation agents)
Jaggery (Guda) – Saccharum officinarum
Water for decoction
Prakshepa Dravyas (Herbal additives)
Elaichi (Cardamom) – Elettaria cardamomum
Dalchini (Cinnamon) – Cinnamomum zeylanicum
Tejpata (Indian Bay Leaf) – Cinnamomum tamala
Kali Mirch (Black pepper) – Piper nigrum
Pippali (Long Pepper) – Piper longum
Vaividanga (False Black Pepper) – Embeliaribes
Nagkesara – Mesua ferrea
Priyangu – Callicarpa macrophylla
Dhataki flowers – Woodfordiafruticosa
Herbal ingredients of the decoction are washed and sun-dried.
The herbs are then powdered and sieved to remove impurities and solid particles.
Separately, the aromatic herbs are cleaned, dried, powdered and sieved and kept aside.
The grounded draksha is then immersed in a specific quantity of water and allowed to soak overnight.
Prepare the kashaya or decoction by boiling kashayadravyas in water and reduce to ¼th and strain the decoction. When the decoction is cooled add jaggery, Dhataki and prakshepakadravyas. Keep for fermentation in a closed vessel for 1 month, After completion of fermentation, arista is filtered and stored in a glass bottle.
Method of storage: Stored in an airtight glass bottle. Keep away from direct sunlight and moisture.
Reference: sarangadharasamhitha ,asava arista Kalpana, the Ayurvedic preparation technique, carefully balances ingredients to create effective remedies.
Incredible Benefits Of Draksharishta
Boosts Immunity
Draksharita stands unique with its high value in improving the stamina and energy levels of the body .Draksha ,being the active ingredient reduces weakness and fatigue . Being a aphrodisiac, it also uplifts the function of the adrenal glands thus helping in reducing the stress levels. It can be used after fever or other diseases in which patient has debility and feel exhaustion.Draksha are good source of vitamin-C, vitamin-A, vitamin-K, carotenes, B-complex vitamins such as pyridoxine, riboflavin, and thiamine that are necessary for tissue health thus acts as high nutritive.
Cures Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by an abnormally low body weight, an intense fear of gaining weight Its also connected to the mental fear of the person who suffers from weight issues hence leading to low self confidence
Draksharishta is mainly beneficial when the patient has decreased the desire to eat, acting as a tonic to improve appetite and overall health. It infact improves the desire to eat, makes a person feel hungry and helps in the management of loss of appetite as well as anorexia nervosa.
Promotes Digestion
Draksharista is extremely crucial for patients suffering from loss of appetite and eating disorders like bulimia etc .Regular intake of this miracle medicine helps to enhance digestion and promotes better absorption of nutrients.
Relieves IBS
Grahani or IBS is commonly manifested by symptoms of diarrhea or constipation or a tendency to pass bowels immediately after any intake .This is mainly due to the unhealthy dietary habits and excessive intake of food which are incompatible The use of the incredible herbs in Draksharishta make it an ultimate choice for treating this painful disease.
Relieves Constipation
Draksha,beimg laxative , also stimulates the liver to release the bile into the intestine, which induces peristaltic movements and eases in bowel movement.Draksharistam being rich in sugar ,organic acid and cellulose ,can improve the digestive track health ,prevent constipation and helps as anti flatulent thus relieving abdominal distention.Polyphenols derived from draksha modulate gut microbiota and contribute to beneficial microbial ecology that can enhance gut health health.
Remedies Respiratory Anomalies
The active ingredients in draksharista helps to relieve the accumulated kapha and also helps to relieve respiratory disorders like asthma, bronchitis, COPD, cough and cold symptoms.
Relieves Headache
With its strong anti oxidant and anti inflammatory properties draksharistam can help as anti depressant and also soothens the mood thus making a base environment to provide relief from chronic migraine and stress related headaches.
Stimulate Cardiac Functioning
Draksharista has strong antioxidative properties that can strengthen heart muscles, prevent lipid build up, and reduce the risk of heart attacks, blood clots, and heart blocks. Draksha can also help lower cholesterol levels in the blood.
Skin radiance
Regular intake of draksharista will improve the elasticity and overall texture of your skin. You can even combat hair loss with these nuggets as it promotes hair health by stimulating hair follicles. The abundance of antioxidants in the potent herbs being used are highly effective in removing harmful free radicals from the body and alleviates itching sensation caused due to allergic conditions like eczema, acne, sunburn etc.
Improve anaemic condition
It is rich in iron and improves hemoglobin level.
Improves eye vision
Draksharista can improve the eye vision by providing natural hydration and by smoothening any inflammation
Draksharishta Dosage
Adults: 10 - 20 ml, along with equal quantity of water, immediately after meals
Children – 5 to 10 ml
Safety profile
An excess of it may cause some gastric irritation or mouth ulcers.
Persons with diabetes should avoid it due to presence of jaggery
Persons with already existing acidity to avoid it due to presence of self generated alcohol
Pregnant women and lactating mothers should also consult a doctor
When should I drink Draksharishta?
Its preferred to be taken after meals.
Is Drakshasava good for acidity?
Though there are not much difference in ingredients of both draksharista and drakshasava ,its better to avoid for the patients having intense acidity.
Which is better Drakshasava or Draksharishta?
Though there are not much difference in ingredients of both draksharista and drakshasava,drakshasava has more of strengthening properties compared to the later.
Is Drakshasava good for sleep?
Yes it has soothing effects on nerves thus enhancing a good and sound sleep.
How to reduce acid production in stomach in Ayurveda?
You can undergo a periodical therapeutical purgation to keep acidity at a bay .Along with that you have to follow a strict diet and life style changes for the long term benefits.
How much alcohol is in Draksharishta?
It has 5 to 10 percent of self generated alcohol.
Is Draksharishta good for anemia?
Yes it can help to improve the haemoglobin.
Are there any skin benefits of Draksharishta?
Regular intake of draksharista will improve the elasticity and overall texture of your skin.
Can Draksharishtam be diluted with water?
Those having extreme acidity can dilute it with equal quantity of water before having it.
Can Draksharishtam be used for children?
Yes it can be used but in a prescribed quantity as per physician.
Does Draksharishtam cause Gastritis?
If there is an issue of already existing intense acidity, it can cause gastritis symptoms