Urticaria Treatment in Ayurveda
Urticaria, also known as hives, is a skin condition that presents with swollen, itchy, and reddened welts on the skin. These welts can occur in localized areas or spread over a large area, varying in size from small bumps to as large as a hand. Urticaria often results in discomfort and itching. Allergies, stress, specific foods, medications, insect bites, and other factors can all trigger the development of urticaria.
Understanding Urticaria in Ayurveda
In the practice of Ayurveda, the condition of urticaria is referred to as "Sheetapitta" and is viewed in terms of dosha imbalances and how they affect the body's energy and functions. According to Ayurvedic principles, Sheetapitta is primarily caused by an imbalance in the pitta and Kapha doshas, which disrupts the body's natural harmony, leading to symptoms such as swollen, itchy, and red welts on the skin. Traditional Ayurvedic treatments focus on restoring balance to the doshas through dietary adjustments, herbal remedies, and lifestyle changes. In Ayurveda, there are three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, each with their own unique characteristics and responsibilities. Urticaria can occur when there is an imbalance in the Pitta or occasionally Kapha doshas.
Symptoms of Urticaria
· Batches of red or skin-coloured welts grow anywhere on the body
· Painful swelling of the eyelids, lips, and inside the throat
· Itching that may become severe and is a common urticaria symptom
· Welts that may vary in size, and shape and appear and fade with time as the allergic reaction continues
· Flare in the signs with triggers such as heat, exercise, and stress
· Acute hives appear suddenly and clear up within a few weeks
What causes urticaria?
· As a reaction to some allergens like airborne allergens from tree and grass pollen,
· Food allergens such as milk, tree nuts, egg, fish, and shellfish;
· Medication allergies such as NSAIDs,
· ACE inhibitors, and
· Certain allergens like latex and detergent.
· Due to bacterial and viral infections.
· extreme changes in temperatures
· animal dander from dogs, horses, etc.
· dust mites
· Cockroaches and cockroach waste
· Exposure to sunlight
· Plants, including poison ivy and poison oak
· insect bites and stings
· some chemicals
· Water on the skin
· scratching
· exercise
· chronic illness, such as thyroid disease or lupus, common cold, glandular fever, influenza, hepatitis B, urinary tract infections, strep throat, etc.
Types of urticaria
There are 3 types of Urticaria:- Acute, Chronic, and Physical.
· Acute Urticaria – This kind of hives is triggered by allergies to food and medication and typically lasts for under six weeks.· Chronic Urticaria– This form of hives is considered auto-immune in nature, with an unknown cause. It persists for more than six weeks, indicating chronic hives.· Physical Urticaria– Hives appear when exposed to cold, heat, or sunlight, as well as during intense physical activity or sweating. These rashes typically appear within an hour of exposure.
Lab tests for Urticaria
· Blood tests – Complete blood count, Erythrocyte Sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein.
· Skin biopsy – may be helpful in chronic cases.
Treatments for Urticaria (Sheetapitta)
· Anti histamines
· Corticosteroids
· H2 blockers
· Epinephrines
· Immuno suppresants
· Cool Compress: Applying a cool, moist cloth to afflicted areas will help relieve itching and reduce inflammation.
· Oatmeal Baths: Adding colloidal oatmeal to your bath can provide relief from itching and discomfort.
· Avoid Triggers: Identify and avoid triggers such as certain meals, stress, and allergens that may aggravate urticaria symptoms.
· Hydration: Stay hydrated to enhance skin health and maintain overall hydration levels.
· Aloe Vera Gel: Natural aloe vera gel can give a cooling effect and relieve skin inflammation.
Preventive aspects
· Balanced Diet: Eat a well-balanced diet that avoids foods that cause urticaria. Emphasize fresh, healthy foods and avoid known allergens.
· Stress Management: To avoid stress-related urticaria flare-ups, use stress-relief practices such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing.
· Proper Clothing: Wear loose-fitting, breathable clothing to reduce skin irritation and encourage air circulation.
· Allergen Avoidance: such as specific fabrics, animals, or environmental variables.
Understanding urticaria through the lens of Ayurveda
In Ayurveda, the four conditions known as Sheetapitta, udarda, kotha, and utkotha are said to exhibit symptoms similar to urticaria. These are referred to as twakvikaras in the ancient Ayurvedic texts.
Symptoms /Rupa of urticaria (sheethapittha)
· Twak Roga (Skin Afflictions): Urticaria primarily affects the skin, causing raised, itchy welts to form. These welts are usually red and come in a variety of shapes and sizes.
· Kandu (Itching): Urticaria is characterized by intense itching. Itching can be intense and persistent, causing pain and discomfort.
· Daha (Burning Sensation): Because of the intensified Pitta dosha, affected persons may experience a burning sensation on their skin.
· Varati damstravatashotha is a condition that can be explained by the skin becoming reddish discolored and swollen which can be compared to the bite of a nettle sting
· Swelling over the affected area
The etiology described in Ayurveda for urticaria is as follows:
· High consumption of food with salty and spicy flavors can result in this condition.· Consuming large amounts of mustard and acidic porridge can also lead to this issue.· Engaging in too much daytime sleeping, being exposed to cold winds and substances, coming into contact with poisonous insects, and· Incorrectly administering emetic therapy can cause hives.
Ayurvedic treatment for urticaria
The appropriate ayurvedic treatment for hives is chosen based on the doshas present and the condition of the patient. In cases of mild hives, medication may be sufficient, but for chronic and severe cases, panchakarma therapies may be necessary to remove the imbalanced doshas.
Like when it is in Alpadoshaavastha – langhana or fasting therapy is advised.
When it is in Madhyama dosha avastha – langhana or fasting therapy and pachana therapy can be explained as a therapy in which drugs administered get assimilated in the gastrointestinal tract and show their attributed actions
When its in chronic condition, shodhana or detoxification therapy like Vamana or emesis therapy, Virechana or purgation therapy is advised
Virechana Treatment for Urticaria
Even though Virechana is often utilized for a range of conditions, its ability to treat urticaria may stem from its ability to regulate imbalanced Pitta and Kapha doshas, which are commonly associated with skin issues such as urticaria.
It can help in balancing dosha ,keeping the skin intact ,detoxify and also provide a long lasting relief
Vamana to treat Urticaria
Vamana involves induced vomiting to eliminate an excess of Kapha dosha from the body. Ayurvedic practitioners utilize Vamana to address a range of conditions such as allergies, skin issues, and respiratory problems, which could encompass hives.
It can balance the doshas , eliminate toxins, reduce the inflammation and provide the long-lasting effect.
Natural remedies and formulas for alleviating urticaria symptoms.
· Amrutarajanyadi Kashayam
· Guduchyadikashayam
· Patolakaturohinyadikashayam
· Khadiradikashayam
· Yashtyadi kwatham
· Thriphala choornam
· Gandhaka rasayanam
· Avipathy choornam
· Drakshadi kashyam
· Haridra khandam
· Triphalaguggulu
· Siddha makaradhwaja
· Rasadi gutika
· Vatapittantaka rasa
· Shleshmapittala rasa
· Laghu sootashekhara rasa
· Sootashekhara rasa
· Arogyavardhinivati
· Pravalabhasma
· Swarna bhasma
· Tiktakaghrita
· Mahatiktakaghrita
· Indukanta ghrita
Diet and Lifestyle to be followed in Urticaria (Sheetapitta)
Nonspicy, non oily foods
These lifestyle modifications
· Avoiding exposure to cold air and cold substances, which may vitiate the condition,
· Avoiding excessive intake of salt and pungent food items,
· should not suppress natural urges,
· Avoiding day sleep immediately after meals, and
· using chemical-free products.
Q: What is urticaria (Sheetapitta) and how is it related to Ayurveda?
A: Urticaria, also known as Sheetapitta in Ayurveda, is a skin condition characterized by itchy, raised rashes or hives. Ayurveda considers urticaria to be caused by an imbalance of doshas, particularly the pitta dosha.
Q: What are the common symptoms of Sheetapitta according to Ayurveda?
A: Common symptoms of Sheetapitta in Ayurveda include itching, rash, burning sensation, and the appearance of raised hives on the skin.
Q: How does Ayurveda treat urticaria (Sheetapitta)?
A: Ayurvedic treatment for urticaria involves balancing the doshas through methods such as Virechana (therapeutic purgation) and Vamana (therapeutic vomiting). Herbal medicines and lifestyle modifications are also used for treatment.
Q: What are the causes of Sheetapitta according to Ayurveda?
A: According to Ayurveda, exposure to cold wind, allergens, certain foods, and an imbalance of doshas such as pitta can lead to the development of Sheetapitta or urticaria.
Q: How can one book an appointment with top Ayurvedic doctors for urticaria treatment?
A: To book an appointment with top Ayurvedic doctors at AVCRI for urticaria treatment, one can contact the Ayurvedic clinic directly or use online platforms that facilitate appointment scheduling with Ayurvedic practitioners of The Arya vaidya Chikitsalayam and Research Institute.
Q: What is Panchakarma's role in managing urticaria through Ayurveda?
A: Panchakarma, a set of purifying therapies in Ayurveda, plays a crucial role in managing urticaria by eliminating toxins, balancing doshas, and rejuvenating the body to promote overall health and well-being.
Q: Can Ayurvedic treatments provide long-term relief from urticaria?
A: Ayurvedic treatments focus on addressing the root cause of urticaria by balancing the doshas and improving overall health, which can lead to long-term relief from the condition and reduce the frequency of recurrences.
What is the first-line treatment for urticaria?
Virechana is the primary line of treatment
Is urticaria a lifetime disease?
No, it's not a lifetime disease
How to remove hives permanently?
Chronic hives don't last forever. They can be cured permanently with medicines and lifestyle changes
What foods should be avoided in Sheetapitta?
Excess intake of salty (lavana) and pungent (katu) food, consumption of a large amount of sour (amla) gruels (arnala and shukta), excess intake of mustard, exposure to cold wind, contact of cold substances, day sleep, improper emesis
What is the best Ayurvedic treatment for urticaria?
Hardira khandam and amrutharajanyadi kashayam can help in relieving
Am I at risk of developing urticaria rashes?
No, by regular follow-up of diet and lifestyle you are not at risk
Dermographism Urticaria - How It Can Be Treated?
With the help of antihistamines
How to remove inching rashes near to penis?
You can use cold compressors and moisturizers and take appropriate internal medicines
What are some of the first signs that someone is developing Urticaria?
Rashes and burning, itching skin rashes
What distinguishes Psoriasis and urticaria rashes?
Nature of appearances like: Uricarial is a sudden onset where as psoriasis is gradual onset
Will I be able to stop Corticosteroids, epinephrine, and antihistamine using Ayurveda?
Yes, doing proper shodhana therapy under a Qualified Ayurveda doctor can help you stop corticosteroids, epinephrine, and antihistamines.